❄️Promise Ring💍

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•|When Time flies ,fly along with it📓|•
(☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞💍☜ (↼_↼)

Kylie's Pov"

As the morning sky appeared,the sun's light came right on my view through the glass windows,
I turned to the other side and my face smiles with Joy.

"Pretty like the purple sky, lovely as an innocent child ,ohh what beauty lies before me, even her soft snores sound so peaceful"I say to myself while gazing at Effie who is sleeping right next to me.

I turn to the other side and see My brother Zak who is sleeping on the comfy dark purple couch.
"I must admit, he is as adorable as mom and Diana says ...hmmm only when he's asleep"I say chuckle softly.

I quickly head to the bathroom to take a shower ,but by the time I get back I find Effie and Zak awake.

"Dude! We seriously dozed off "Effie shrugs while rubbing her eyes.

She yawns loudly yet pretty cute causing Zak to laugh ,let alone speak I laugh even louder.
"Stop it ,it ain't funny"She says it with a cute frown on her face .

Before I say sorry,she walks out of the room ,I turn to Zak with my hand on my mouth and he does the same while walking out too.

It's now 8am,I peep on the window and I see snow flakes falling from the sky.

"It's Winter!yupppy "Diana exclaims loudly from the living room.

"Diana! you're so noisy,naughty girl "Mom scolds her.

Zak,Cane, Brayden ,Effie and I laugh while going to do our morning jog in our comfy truck-suits .

"Excuse me you minions,where on Earth do you think you're going"Mom exclaims from behind us holding a sharp knife that points to us.

"Jzzz !Mom relax we're going for jogging , surely we will be back before the Early Christmas shopping begin."Zak replies.

She narrows her eyes at us making a cute unsatisfied facial.

"Have you forgotten,Nathan is coming at 9 and you'll have to be here by 10am"She adds.

We nod In agreement and proceed to the streets.

"Christmas is just around the corner,awwwr the snowflakes so mesmerizing"Effie says while shaking her head in happiness.

"Chill , Starlight you will slip and fall in the drainage,"Zak chuckles.

We all laugh, Everyone pulls up different funny tactics.

"Hop! One !two! three four"Cane exclaims .

We all do jumping jacks,then stretch back and forth ,top to bottom then back.

Diana grabs Effie's hand like always just before I could go close to Effie.

"Hey, I'm already tired let's go back home"Brayden states.

"Lazy bones! that flat tummy and those six packs will be replaced with a pot belly"Cane teases.

We chuckle at the thought.
"Yoh it's already 9:45am"Zak exclaims.

Let's race back home.
"On the count of one —"

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