Knowing The Truth

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So as my dad was staring at my thighs he was about say something but the door opened and I turned around to see the other guys and they all see my arms and thighs and I just cry and and jump onto my bed and my mom comforts me while she was crying and Andy hugs us to then all the guys come over an hugs and we have a nice group hug and I felt loved again.

Then after our hug my dad explained to the guys my story and they couldn't stop running their fingers over my scars and I asked "Why are you doing that" and they all shrugged their shoulders and I looked at my dad "Tell them to stop please" and my dad glared at the guys and they stopped and they all left my room except for my mom and I asked "Can you help me pack" and she nodded and helped me pack my bags and then I wanted to go downstairs but I didn't get off my bed and my mom looked at me and asked "What's wrong" and I said "What is the other guys have there girlfriends here" and she nodded know what I was talking about and she went out the door and then I heard her talking and then she came back in and said "They won't be here until later on tonight" and I nodded but I went and opened my dresser and I pull out some batman pants and I went downstairs and I sat on the couch next Jake then Ashley sat on my other side and we watched some movies then I started to fall asleep and Ashley scooted over a bit and said "You can lay down on my lap if your tired and put your feet on Jake" and that is exactly what I did and I fell asleep.

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