"Between Ending A World, Or Saving The Day"

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"Hwere is you-r eggs, John!" Trevor happily declared, handing the plastic pieces over to him

Taking a seat with his pretend meal, John put them to his mouth, "Mmm, c-an I jus hav sum to-ast too?"

"Here, you c-an hav mine!" Lilly smiled, putting a plastic brick on his plate. She did the same to her pretend meal, beaming at the way his hand touched hers. He cocked his head slightly, squinting his eyes with his dad's smirk on his face.

Bouncing up from behind the pint-sized kitchen, Trevor took off the apron he had on, piling the pieces into the designated container before turning back to his friends, "L-ets play hw-ouse now?"

Lilly stood from her chair, looking between the two boys before shrugging her shoulders, "Ok! Tw-evor you c-an jus be the daddy, John c-an be the mommy, an-d I will jus be the bay-be!"

Trevor stood up further, his small brow knitted together as he shouted, "No! John, c-an't be a mommy! Boys c-an't be mommy's!"

"Uh huh!" Lilly shot back, placing her hands on her small flower dress covered hips.

"Nuh, uh!" He continued, pointing to him, "Lilly, John c-an't be a mommy cuz he don't have a mommy ne-more!"

John's eyes widened, brow furrowing in agitation, "Yes, I do!"

"Nuh, uh! My mommy jus s-ed you-r mommy runn-ed a-way!"

Lilly's lips pursed, "Tw-evor, s-top it!"

"My mommy is at a big sk-ool!" John shouted back, standing toe-to-toe with his friend, his breathing starting to quicken

Trevor shook his head passionately, provoking the situation as he stuck his small finger against Johns red polo shirt, "Nuh uh, you-r mommy runn-ed a-way! You-r mommy jus do-n't luv you ne-more!" The boy started to snort, not at all expecting the little boy who often cowered, to stand square up to him, and shove him to the ground - hard.

"Owwww!" Trevor yelped, holding the back of his head that landed on the scattered pieces of plastic food. John stood firm, planting his feet as he raged, and watched his friend cry. "John is mean!" Standing up, Trevor took a discarded block from the floor and threw it, hitting him square in the side of the head.

"Owwww!" John sobbed, holding the side of his head, his mouth agape as he sniffled through the pain. Lilly was horrified, quickly ushering to his aid, which only made Trevor angrier as he walked up to him and pinched his arm. John drew back quickly, letting out a loud yelp before flipping that emotional switch inside him, practically leaping forward to tackle Trevor. He was still crying, but also seeing red as he started hitting the boy, slamming his small closed fists hard on whatever body part would take the blows.

"S-top it! S-top!" Lilly cried, grasping her dress as she watched her friends fight. Trevor was shrieking as John wrapped his hands around his arm and twisted. She couldn't handle anymore and ran to go get one of the teachers.

Trevor got the upper hand when John turned his head, grabbing at the upper part of his forearm and dragging his nails down it, causing John to scream.

"Boys! Boys, stop!" Ms. Taylor shouted, sprinting into the room quickly and removing John from Trevor's grasp. "John!" She scolded, putting her hands on his shoulders as they shook.

"Da-de-eeeee!" John slobbered, holding his hand over the spot on his cheek that was throbbing - a small spot showing the bruise.

Trevor rolled over onto his side, drawing his knees into his chest, "I want my mommmyyyyy!"

"You've been staring at those cards for at least 10 minutes now," She chuckled, slipping her arms around his waist, "Wanna tell me what they say?"

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