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I'm the queen of the kingdom, 

I'm sandcastle you took care of, 

You showed me the bare of wisdom, 

Humour on the shores, glasses on the table, 

Standing like a father that I didn't have, 

Fixing my scars after they were around the stars, 

I was a pathological people pleaser, I wouldn't marry me either, 

You saw me at the party, saying I was the best thing, 

Giving me a place to burry my regrets, 

Taking the risk to talk about rings,

But my survival couldn't happen, 

I lost the charm and faith, my words couldn't be bounded, 

A life crumpled in my bed, I was close again, but my spine got twisted, 

Wanting to stay and say things for a little while, 

I still don't want to pack it up yet, 

I still desire to share them with water, 

I still want to write and draw without the shade of the blue, 

But a grey glew, a bird flew, a grave prepared, 

I still want to see you from glasses, 

The reality won,

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