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Full of demons at first sight, but you are pretty, 

Shadows are dancing on tiptoes, days and nights, yet you are pretty,  

In the holy glances, in a dream might be seen, could you be in my city?

Sweet and soft, hush-like waves of the sea, still pretty, 

For a past sinner like me, but never let me go cause you still damn pretty, 

Roots with blood, walls wracked on the right side, but who cares you still pretty, 

When I'm sad and mad or even wild, you are still beside me, so pretty, 

A full machine, a view with trees and breeze, you can't be more pretty, 

I can talk to you with no shoes on, but sometimes I'm a bit pitiful, 

I'm so invested, but can't hold myself from buying a drink and seeing your city,  

I'm dramatic and sometimes crawl with ice, I guess can't know me better, but who cares you are so pretty, 

I haven't read your margins yet, but I'll take it cause you are so pretty,  

I wake in the middle of the night and you aren't here, but I won't bother cause you are pretty, 

I think I might lose you, and I'm not joking, but no matter what, in my eyes, ears, and soul, you will be pretty, 

Be ready cause you will look at the new house, and gaze at the one, and you will say "She's so pretty"

I'm on the ground, and normality can't be found, but your history will be extremely pretty.

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