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Assuring my soul that it will be desired, 

And my scent will be like roses, loved, and carried, 

I told you all of my notebook papers, and I said let them be buried, 

You the one who ever did, holding my scar without hurting, 

I know you will drift away to look after your party, 

Chasing fame, and taxes to build a living, you are an arty,

I can't say more than I might see you glowing in the downtowns, 

You marked my bloodstains with no bruises,  

I might deny your whats and Ifs, 

I'll look at you with pride and glory, 

Saying I knew that star from glasses,  

We drew a beautiful life which truly passes,  

I'm looking at the sky of our creator, and praying, 

I knew I would be in blue, but for you, I would be gold dancing, 

Breezing and fantasising about the goals you were drawing, 

In the afterlife, I might be the first reflection that you would glance at a holy glass.

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