°-Surprise attack, the dangerous fungal area-°

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Tote climbed to the room over the station and found a tall bug eating some mushrooms, he slowly stepped back to not interrupt her dinner, until she noticed him and lowered her head
Willoh: Hello! I have never seen you before
I thought this place was empty
Tote: Oh- yeah- I just- was uh... exploring?
Willoh: Call me Willoh!
Tote: Nice to meet you-! I guess
Willoh: I normally like the silence of this place, but I don't mind some company, so welcome
Tote: Thanks but- I cannot stay, I and my siblings are in look of someone
Willoh: You and your siblings?
Tote: Yeah, they're out of this room, probably awaiting for me
Willoh: Then you should not make them wait, go!
Tote: Uh- Alright! Farewell ma'am Willoh!
He quickly left the room and joined to his family, who were deciding which path take, the foggy path in the left, or the smelly path on the right

Tote: I think the foggy one is a good idea
Tara: The other one smells bad... but it might be less dangerous
Tein: The foggy one might be peaceful, I don't think that any bug would live there
Tain: And you think that ANY bug can handle the smell of the other path?
Tase: Remember that they're infected, I doubt that they care about the smell
Teal: Ok ok let's do this, raise your left hand if you want to go to the foggy path, raise your other hand if you want to go to the smelly path
Tein, Tase, Tote and Tori raised their left hands; Tara, Tain, Tare and Trix raised their right hands, leaving it in a tie
Teal: I guess Iam the decisive vote... I pick the path on the right.
Tote: Ants... contain your breath...

They started walking and left the Queen's Station, entering into the funky environment, which actually got them all surprised
Tote was looking around, interested in the place and the mushrooms of it, you don't see something like this everyday.
Tare was almost so exited as their siblings, they wanted to reach a resting area the fastest they could to start drawing

Tote: This place is pretty.. uh... funky?
Tare: Yet, it's so amazing to see!
Tote: As you say little painter

He looked at some purple mushrooms and checked on them
Tote: Hey guys! Look at this thing
They all got closer and surrounded the purple mushrooms, Tote picked up Trix and put her over the mushroom
She tried keeping her composture and started jumping, how high! That freaked out Tara

Trix: But this is fun-!
Tara: NOW!

Trix let out a sigh and she jumped off the mushroom, Tote took a piece of it and saved it, he might give it a good use

They found themselves into these acid pits again, adding the infected... mushrooms? bugs? Around them, the infection particles that these dropped looked almost toxic!
Of course, they would do their best to avoid getting into unnecessary fights, it could be too risky for them
It was all good until the door they were about to take suddenly closed
They looked around and saw how two mushrooms bigger than the rest started to move, and they tried attacking the family
Teal blocked the infection shot with his blade, a moment that Tain and Tein used to attack both mushrooms, while Tase covered Teal and Tote was aiming for a good shot at the enemies
Tara quickly made sure that the other siblings wouldn't get hurt, keeping them away from the fight
Tein and Tain made sure to debilite the mushrooms the most they could as Tase and Teal covered their backs. When they had them on the right spoot, Tote did his thing and shot a bomb at them
Both mushrooms, already weakened out, fell lifeless to the floor, the fight was not that hard, but it would have been a problem if the siblings didn't work together into this
Tara checked the five siblings, some injuries on their bodies, but nothing to be worried about! They could keep walking until the nest resting area to deal with these
A good assumption they had it was that the spores were definitely dangerous, like almost the whole place, so they tried avoiding these, avoiding the accid, plus the infected residents of the place, such a task!
They entered into a room that had a large bridge, surrounded by an acid pool, falling there would mean instant death
They crossed the bridge very carefuly, only to find out that the door for the other place was closed!
Tara: I guess we have to find another way to get in...
Tote: And maybe we do.
He quietly pointed upside them, there was a small opening from where they could get in, but how could they get up there?
Tara: Good idea but... we cannot go so high
Tote: Oh, we can't?
He took out one of his bombs, a purple one, it seemed to be new. He indicated to his siblings to stay away, and so they did
He threw the bomb at the ground and it turned into a bouncy thing, with a similar structure as the purple mushrooms they saw before in the place, what was it for?
Tote started to jump over it and reached the opening, he climbed up and waited for his siblings do the same thing
And so they did, even Tara, ignoring the fact that she was pretty scared...and almost screamed
Tote: Can we cut these spikes? I don't think we can avoid them at all. And I don't want to deal with these things right now.
Tase: Seeing that is the only way we can go into the next area... Alright, pull out the weapons fam! We're cutting some spikes.
And so they made their way by getting rid of the plants, and jumped into the next area, City of Tears.

'Path to Hallownest. Diary of an ant'Where stories live. Discover now