'Who is this pink slug!?' [Separation: Tase's part]

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'Why me...'
Tase cursed in a low tone, trying to not get the infected bugs attention
She had no idea of where she was going, but she had to keep walking
After beating that heavy centry, she didn't see the other husks as problems, they were like easy geo

She found a room with many plataforms, but when she was about to jump into one, she saw all the winged centries around
Four of them, two had spears

'Ok... I gotta avoid those... hopefully I'll be able to.'
She started to climb up carefully, moving everytime the centries weren't looking at her direction

Suddenly, one of the plataforms let out a shreetch, probably because of how old it was.
'. . . Oh no.'
She turned back, all the centries were behind her, ready to attack
She started to climb up the fastest she could, avoiding the attacks and trying to not fell

'Almost there...'
She was about to jump into the last plataform when a lancer husk flew right in front of her, throwing it's spear on Tase's direction, making her slip as she tried to avoid it, letting her on the edge of the plataform

She pulled out her weapon and got up carefully, ready to block the attacks as she tried to go into the next area

'You won't get me. BRING IT ON!'

She started to jump from a plataform to another, blocking attacks and grabbing the spears that the lancers threw at her, so she could throw them back
She went and killed the winged husks in less than 5 attacks, but the other two were more difficult to defeat
She grabbed one of the spears and aimed at one of the husks, who was ready to charge against her
She threw the spear and it in on the eye, making it twist in pain
She focused on the other one, seeing that it was close to the spikes of the building below her, she had an idea

'Hey! Hey you! Yes, come here! I'm pretty sure that you can't hit me!'

The husk chargued and went towards her, but then she jumped off the plataform and the husk got killed by the spikes

'It's my moment! Go go!'
She started to climb up again and didn't stopped, until she reached the last plataform and let out a relieved sigh, jumping so much made her tired

'I hope... that the next area... isn't... that... dangerous...'

She went up and saw a path on the left and a small station on the right, what would she chose?

'I mean, I'd rather taking the stag... but not without the family around... so that's a no no.'

She took the path on the left and found a huge elevator, with a lever on the center, that was probably made for turning it on

'Woah, this place got some cool things.'

She entered into the elevator and hit the lever, turning on the elevator
She sat on a corner to rest as the elevator started to go up, she needed to recover all that energy that she wasted with the husks, and she was also hurt

'I wish that Tara was here... she has all the things to deal with the wounds...'

She let out a sigh and waited for some minutes
After the elevator stopped moving, she stood up and walked out, taking the path on the right
As she walked trough a long and empty room, she started to remember something

'Hey, I remember this structure. It's like the first place we visited... when we jumped into the well. This must be another part of that zone, yeah. Tare would like this.'

She kept walking without worries, and the enemies were weak, so she didn't had many problems
She heard a laugher coming from a small... store? Could you even call it a store? She wasn't sure about it.

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