The Twins and the Waterways. [Separation: Tein & Tain's part]

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'Puag! This is awful!'

Jumping into that tunnel below the city was not a good idea. The twins found that out pretty soon.

'What is this place supposed to be? So dirty... I mean, I know that we're not the cleanest bugs in the world, but this is a whole new level!'

Tein complained

'New quest, get out of here and then we look for our siblings, because Iam 100% sure that they weren't dumb enough to come here!'

'How could I know that this was a dang drain!? I'm sorry but I'm notTori, so shut up now!'

'You don't need Tori to know that this is not a good idea, only a high sense of smell and some neurons, and you clearly lack of some!'

'Can you NOT complain about EVERYTHING for five minutes!?'

They both shut up when they heard infected bugs near them, if they didn't leave soon they might get into problems
Both started to walk, disgusted by their surroundings
They stopped and stood up in front of a flukemon, which didn't hesitate to chargue against them
Tein quickly cut it in half


He started to walk, followed by Tain.
Tain turned back, he heard something, so he grabbed his knifes and killed the upper part of the fluke

'Watch your back.'

Tein killed the lower part, that was about to hit Tain

'Watch your back'

He replied with a smirk

Tain groaned at him and kept walking, with his twin at his side

'And, do u know how to get out?'

Tein asked to Tain, who turned his head towards him


'Dang it.'

The flukes and pilflips weren't hard to beat, but they had to be aware of the bellies beflies flukefleys, the beflies would literally explode in their faces, and the flukefleys were fast and their bites hurt.
The hwurmps were just annoying, they were everywhere! And when you're trying to not fell into dirty water, fighting on a plataform isn't really pleasant.
The more time they spent on the waterways, the more they wanted to leave, the place was highly disgusting! They would go mad if they didn't find a way to get out of there the soonest they could.

'This place is making me sick.'

Tain commented as he jumped into the next plataform

'Literally or figuratively?'


'Eh, understandable, I'm also disgusted.'

Tein jumped into the plataform where Tain was, and saw a yellow thing not so far from them

'Should we check it?'

He pointed towards the direction of the thing that he saw

'Eh, I see no problem.'

Both nodded and went into the small space
Whatever that thing was, it smelled awful! They almost had to go back and give up, it was too much for them.
But, how can two great warriors just leave because of a smell? No way! They were going to find out what was that thing, no matter what!

When they both arrived, they surrounded thebthing
It seemed to be some kind of... plant? No, it was not. But one thing they could notice is the yellow eggs surrounding It's structure, and how bouncy it was

'. . . Hit it.'


'I won't hit it, you do it.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2024 ⏰

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