'This grave...' [Separation: Tote's Part]

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'Dang bugs... dang infection... dang rocks and pillar... UUUGH WHERE AM I GOING!?'
Tote yelled with clear anger
Once he heard the infected bugs coming closer, he immediately fell silent and ran away from the place he was on
'Where am I supposed to go now.... I wish I had Tare with me, they could help me with that.'

He kept walking without a clear destination, avoiding the infected bugs the most he could, since he barely had munitions, and he couldn't find anything to make new bombs
He took the elevator and entered into a 'safe zone', where he saw a signboard and thought if going in or not, maybe he could rest there? Or perhaps meet a not-infected and friendly bug? It was worth the risk, right?
He went in and saw an old bug behind a counter, who looked up at him

'Uum... hello?'
Tote spoke, ready to leave in case the bug did something that could harm him
'How did you get here? I barely see any new faces on this place, almost everyone is infected.'
'Oh... I just... uh, had luck? And bombs, I also had bombs.'
'You better don't do anything to my beautiful collection of relics with your bombs.'
'Don't worry sir, I'll make sure that they don't harm your... collection'
'Good... now, I must introduce myself. I'm Lemm, the relicseeker. My job is to descifrate part of Hallownest's history through ancient artefacts, I have tons of them, and I also pay a good amount of geo to anyone who wants to sell them to me.'
'A relicseeker, huh? Never heard of those. So you're trying to learn this kingdom's history? Is there any reason?'
'Hallownest was on it's prime before the infection arrived, I want to know everything, how a why the infection started, how was it before the king's appareance, how was The Hollow Knight created...'
'The Hollow Knight?'
'Yes, The Hollow Knight. They sacrificed themselves to seal the infection inside them so it wouldn't be able to scape.'
'Sadly it doesn't seem to have worked out so well...'
Tote said, crossing his arms
'The infection it's too powerful, I can't really blame them. And even so, staying here I won't get infected, I must finish my labour and learn everything that happened in this kingdom.'
'And... heeey... by the way... do you know any place that could bring the attention of the warriors?'
'Mmm... I think I've read something... a place where the strongest fighters battle to death... but I don't really remember it's name or where was it'
'B-Battle to death-?'
'Yes, is the only thing I can remember. But I can asegure you that it's not inside the City of Tears, if you're trying to find that place you'll have to look outside the city.'
'Argh.... there I go again... thanks mister Lemm.'
'Hey, down there, outside, there's a statue of The Hollow Knight, maybe you could see it'
'I'll make sure to! Goodbye mister Lemm!'
'Farrewell. If you come back with any relic remember that you can sell it to me.''
Tote nodded and started to walk away
'Oh, I almost forgot'
He turned around
'My name is Tote, if you wanted to know, dear'
He winked playfully at Lemm
'Get out of my store.'
Tote waved and left, going down and stepping outside the roofed zone

He felt the rain making contact against his body and looked around
He saw the statue, so mighty and elegant. Was that The Hollow Knight? Because it looked majestic, or at least that's what Tote thought

After staring at the statue for a moment, he kept walking towards the next roofed place, that was pretty close
He got in and saw the infected bugs walking around, not seeming to be aware of their surroundings, but yet, they had the advantage of being more
They didn't seemed that strong, so maybe he couldn't take them down without using his bombs
He grabbed his knife and charged against them, seeing how one started to run away and the other took out a... knive? Which didn't seemed to know how to use
He quickly killed the armed husk, and ran to catch and kill the other one, which tried 'defending' itself, which didn't ended up well
Tote grabbed the geo of both bugs, it was more than what he has gotten before, so that left him satisfied

The further he went, the more husks he had to kill, it was annoying, but they dropped a good amount of geo, so it was a good option if he had to spend it sometime
He found himself outside again, with the rain falling over him.
He extended his hand for a moment, contemplating the city

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