Glad You Came Pt. 2

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"Me too," she whispered pushing him against the door with her hands on his muscular chest.

She stood on her tip-toes and forcefully kissed him. Tony instantly kissed back and slowly moving his hands up and down her skinny waist.

"I love you Tony," she whispered putting her forehead on his.

"I love you too Zi," he whispered back smirkingly.

He flipped her back toward the door and kissed her passionately.

"Movie?" He whispered.

She nodded in agreement, snatching a few more kisses.

She slipped from his touch and sat on the couch with the remote. "I will pick,"

"If you pick Sound of Music I will personally shoot this TV," Tony threatened smiling.

"Get off my Case Tony," she barked.

"Whoa, sorry Zi, pick anything you want," He said putting his arms up and walking into his spotless white kitchen.

"I'm sorry Tony," she whispered walking up behind him, running her hands up his back and to the top of his shoulders.

"Its fine Zi, I understand how today could push you off the edge." Tony said turning around.

"Speaking of that," she said slowly looking down at the floor, "Did you talk to Gibbs?"

Tony lifted his hand up to his shoulder and placed it over hers. "I did,"

"And?" She asked scared about the answer.

"He said nothing," Tony said. "All he kept doing after you left was mumble, 'this was a mistake,'"

"Oh," Ziva frowned.

"Hey," Tony said lifting her chin up with his other hand. "At least one good thing has come out of this."

"Like what?" She asked reluctantly looking into his eyes.

"We're not partners anymore, Gibbs has no rules against us now," Tony said pulling her in closer.

"I guess your right," she smiled.

He wrapped his hands around her soft cheeks and pulled her in closer for a kiss.

Desire took over the two. This time, Tony took charge and lifted the small Israeli onto his large island. She sat on the edge and was now the same height as Tony.

They broke apart for air. "Wow," Tony whispered.

"Wow what?" She giggled.

"You." He said tapping her on the nose.

She smiled and jumped down from the kitchen island and ran into the living room.

"Hey get back here Zi," laughed Tony running after her.

He turned the corner but the room was empty from his point of view.

"Sweet cheeks, where are you?" He called.

"Who me?" A light voice called from his bedroom.

"Yes you," he laughed opening the bedroom door. Again, the room was empty.

"Zi! I'm not a ninja hunter, where are you?" He joked.

"Here," she whispered from behind him.

He jumped at the sudden voice. "Man Zi how'd you do that?"

"Remember DiNozzo," she took a step closer, "I was trained by the best the world can give."

"Oh I know," he laughed.

"Well, how about we get to that movie huh?" She asked turning around.

"Yeah, let's do that," he sighed completely blind on what was going on.


After they finished watching "The Sound of Music," Tony was fast asleep.

"Tony," Ziva whispered from her spot cuddled under his arm and using his even chest as a pillow.

No answer, just even breaths.

"Tony," she said louder laughing and poking his chest.

No answer.

She sighed and leaned up and kissed him.

"Mmm," he mumbled waking up to her kiss. He kissed back.

"Waky waky," she giggled.

"Shut up," he smiled rolling over so she was now under him.

"Now I got you where I want you," he smiled.

"Oh really?" She whispered slightly.

"Yeah," he said kissing her. "I'm glad you came,"

"Me too," she said slowly.

thanks for reading! Hope you like! Any ideas are needed! I will give credit!!!


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