Not Wasted

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Anthony DiNozzo Jr. sets his glass back on the wooden bar top. "Another,"

He turns around hearing a familiar laugh behind him. There, in the corner booth sat his partner, Ziva David.

She looks up and smiles at him. Tony turns to the bar tender. "Never mind. I'm good."

He stood up and headed toward her table. She sat next to one of her friends.

"I don't mean to bother you, but, I couldn't just walk by, and not say hi." Tony said politely.

"This is Ziva." Zivas friend introduced, not knowing that they new each other.

"I know her name," Tony laughed.

"I think everyone knows your name," laughed Zivas friend.

Her friend stood up and scooted out of the booth. "She's not looking for anything right now. So don't come on strong." She explained walking up to the bar stools and flagging the bar keep.

"Your eyes are so intimidating," Tony whispered, the alcohol taking over his words. His heart was pounding but it was just a conversation.

"Are you wasted?" Ziva laughed, blushing.

"Nah, I'm not wasted." Tony took a seat next to his partner, not thinking extremely straight.

"Tony,"she started. Her eyes growing wide. Her long brown hair bounced on her shoulders as she argued with herself, knowing he was drunk and has no control over what he will say. "I don't have time-"

"I don't wanna steel your freedom, I don't wanna change your mind, I don't have to make you love me, I just wanna take your time." He says carefully.

Ziva looks at him questionably. "Tony-"

"I don't wanna reck your Friday, I ain't gunna waste my lights, I don't have to take your heart." He explains more.

Ziva'a eyes dart away and sighs. "It always starts with hello and the next thing you know I try to be nice and some guy gets too close trying to pick me up, trying to get me to run."

"I'm sure that your friend is about to come over here and save you from guys who take to much, and wanna stay to long." Tony sighs leaving back.

"It's the same old song and dance," She sighed looking at him.

"But I think you know it well. You could have rolled your eyes, told me to 'Go to hell,'" Tony smiles. "You could've walked away, but your still here, and I'm still here, come on let's see where it goes." He said looking down at his little Israeli partner.

Ziva smirks but says nothing, still considering.

"I don't wanna go home with you, I just wanna be alone with you." He pleaded. "I wanna blow your mind. I just wanna take your time."

"But..." She whispered looking up into his emerald green eyes.

Reading her mind he spoke, "No, I don't have to call you baby, I don't have to call you mine."

"Okay," she smiles. "That's really sweet of you to say, but I still think the whiskey is talking."

"I ain't wasted." He laughed. "Wanna get out of here?"

"Yes." She laughed grabbing her coat and heading out of the bar doors.

Song Fic! Who can guess the song? I love the song PS.

Sorry for not updating. I love u guys and merry Christmas!


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