Break Up With Him

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(A/N: Story themed on the song "Break Up With Him," by Old Dominion. Highly recommended!)

"Where are you going on this fine evening?" Tony asked softly sitting on his stunning female partners desk.

"On a date," Ziva mumbled harshly.

"Jason? Still?" He asked sighing. "You don't seem like you're that thrilled."

Ziva looked up at him. Her large brown eyes sparkling up at him. "I have to go,"

"Okay Zi," He whispered watching as she stood up and passed him.

He watched as she stiffly walked to the elevator, her toned hips slightly swaying with her steps.


Rummaging through her closet, Ziva looked for a dress. Jason McHeffly, who she met through a friend worked as a lawyer. Which is party why Gibbs hasn't met him yet.

Spotting a deep red dress, she pulled it out. The memory of where she got it from pushed out of the chained chest of memories tucked in the corner of her mind.


"It's gorgeous Zi," Tony whispered in her ear, placing his careful hands on her fragile frame. He pressed his chest against the back of Zivas shoulder blades.

"It better!" She whispered smiling turning her head toward his. "You bought it, and it looks expensive."

"It's nothing compared to my ninja." Tony said smoothly starting to nibble on her ear.

Ziva giggled as she turned around and kissed him.


"It's nothing compared to you," She repeated still watching the dress. That was the last night that they were together.

The night has been wonderful. The young agents had a wonderful dinner and shared many memories and had opened up about things that one could only dream of doing with the one they loved.

Then Gibbs happened. The next day he had caught them together in the elevator. He had told them it was either the job or them.

After much thought, the two decided it would be best for everyone on the team of they ended the fling.

Ziva was taken out of her trance with her phone buzzing.

"David," she answered.

"Hey, I know it's late but I knew you'd pick it up." Tony said boldly.

"Are you drunk?" She giggled sitting on her bed.

"I'm not drunk!" Tony insisted. "Okay, maybe I do have a little buzz."

"Tony," she laughed taking in the sound of his voice.

"Well, I thought what harm could come from one little call." He said calmly.

"I'm taken Tony you know that," Ziva sighed.

"Zi your takin' too long." Tony said softly, worried that she would flip.

"Now what would I be taking to long about? Hum?" She smiled. She wanted him. And only him.

"To tell him it's over!" He practically yelled. "Stringing him along any longer is just wasting precious time."

"Ton-" she started.

"Zi you know it can't wait," Tony interrupted not taking no for an answer. "Just rip it off just like a bandage."

"Yes, but-" she tried again.

"But the way you look at me you can't pretend," he sighed. "I know your not in love with him, break up with him."

"It's not that easy," Ziva flopped back on her mattress, wishing it was.

"I know, you don't want to break his heart," Tony said. "That ain't no good reason to be keeping us apart."

"But Gibbs," she said frightened.

"Neither is that," Tony whispered. "Just tell him it's you, it's not him, or maybe lie to him and tell him you two can still be friends,"

"Well," Ziva said considering what she was just said.

"Whatever you got to say to get through to him that your not in love." Tony pressed. "Come on you can't deny that you and I kinda fit like a glove,"

"I can't but-" Ziva sighed.

"So tell him it's over!" Tony said softly.

"Okay," She gave in.

"Then bring it on over," Tony instructed. "It ain't my business to be all up in, but I know you ain't in love with him so break up with him. I know you're just so done with him break up with him."

Ziva was silent.

"You would have hung up by now if you weren't thinking it too. No pressure but do whatcha got to do." He said.

"I'm not in love with him, I'm gunna break up with him." Ziva said. "I'm in love with you."

"See my ninja loves me too." Tony whispered before hanging up.

As if on cue, There was a shy knock on the apartment door.

Walking to the door with only her yoga pants and tank top on she sighed. "So whatcha gotta do David," she whispered.

Opening the door, Ziva said, "Hey Jason, we have to talk."

Thanks for reading, most of Tony's dialogue is the lyrics of the song. Ha ha

Love you all!!


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