Chapter 5

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The stench of petrol and the damp tarmac lingered in the air as the races continued. Streams formed behind the speeding vehicles as the rain droplets rose from beneath the rotating tires and fused with the exhaust fumes.

One minute the engines were revving at the start line, and the next, the cars were just streaks of colours whizzing past me. Four races were over, and it was only stage one. There was a long time to go before the winner would be crowned. However, Marcus had to turn up soon. Time was ticking away.

I stood with my arms crossed while trying to keep my balance on the edge of the stone path. A vast majority of the people present tried to find a place on the thin, yet long, stretch of stone near the finish line. Everyone wanted a clear view of the races but no one wanted their shoes to be smothered in mud.

If others hadn't beaten me to it, I would've stood closer to the finish line to get a better view. While others were lining up along the track I had been handing over my keys to Dorado. He really wanted a test drive of the car that was pieced together in his garage.

On both sides of me stood four of the other five female candidates. One of which was, along with me, ready to show the guys how racing should be done. Not that she was aware I was going to compete though. However, for the time being we had to sit tight and watch as the other female competitor took to the street.

While waiting for the race to begin whining could be heard as some complained about their ruined heels and wet toes. I rolled my eyes and then focused on the bellowing beasts at the starting line.

Between the red Scion, with a wide body kit, and a pearlescent Toyota, stood Lucy with both her hands in the air. With the "Go!" her hands dropped and the cars were off.

The Toyota was faster off the start line but was only ahead by a short distance. As the race progressed and they shifted gears the speed picked up and the Toyota had lost its lead.

I started tapping my feet and mumbling. "Come on, come on, murder that throttle."

The red Scion was advancing towards the finish line, leaving the pearlescent Toyota behind to see the dreaded tail lights. However, the driver determined not to lose, pushed the car to its limits and began gaining on the leader. Suddenly, with only 10 metres left, the Toyota began to edge forwards rapidly.

"Oh crap," I whispered in disbelief as I stood suddenly full of overwhelming fear.

As flames escaped from the twin exhausts, the car was thrusted forward. It zoomed passed the finish line and then continued straight.

The tension rose as everyone feared for the driver and questioned her decision. Mouths fell and others gasped as they looked on in awe. What was she thinking? The noise levels elevated as everyone chattered while their gaze followed the path of the speeding vehicle.

After the quarter mile there was approximately 100 metres of straight road until it curved into a sharp bend. Steel barriers lined the cliff edge. On the other side of that barrier was a steep, slippery slope.

At high speeds there was the possibility that a collision could lead to the car being hurled into the air. If that did happen, it would then plummet to the road below. That was if the car made it past the obstacles of trees on the way down.

As high speed was accompanied with the poor road conditions, nitrous was a bad idea. An extremely bad idea. What was going through her head?

She was slowing down but not fast enough. The bend was quickly approaching. With the gap between her and the barrier depleting she had to do something immediately.

Her choice of a life saving decision was a handbrake turn.

Just as there was approximately 20 metres remaining until the sharp turn, the vehicle whipped around. Smoke creeped up and engulfed the vehicle. Then there was a deafening thud as the rear end came into collsion with the metal barrier.

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