Chapter 2: universal change

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Jade screamed, finally getting out of Liam's grip of her face, backing up quickly.

"You devil!"

She screeched, her eyes closed as she had her tail between her legs.

She shook her fur, her eyes clouded with her own blood as she turned towards her pack, her ears perked towards them.

"Leave the body there and let's go!"

The other pack members looked up, some in shock by her wounds and some agitated.

They all started to run after her as she called over her shoulder while she ran.

"I'm not done with you, runt! This won't be the last time you see me!"

And with that, she ran off, her pack following close behind.

Liam huffed, trying to catch his breath after that exhilarating event and turned around back towards Opal's body on the soggy ground.


Liam whispered and ran to his mother's side, his ears flattened.

He stayed there for what felt like hours, letting the rain drops overhead hit him like bullets.

Finally, he straightened back up and glared down at his mother's body, his tail lashing.

"I'll get revenge for you mother...I promise..."

Liam walked away, not even bothering to bury the body as he was numb from the grief and anger washing through him like a tidal wave.

Reaching a tree, he plopped down under the leaves and branches, burying his head in his paws as we quietly wept.

A few minutes later, he was fast asleep, snoring softly, his paw twitching every now and then.

Hours flew by like minutes, minutes flew by like seconds and Liam opened his eyes, blinded for a few moments by overhead lights twinkling in his vision.

He blinked rapidly before his eyes got used to the glare.

He got up and stretched but noticed something very strange almost immediately.

His eyes widened and he scrambled to get up, horrified.

His body had changed from a normal cat body, to a... Human almost.

He examined his paws... Or now hands and ran a hand through his hair, his anxiety growing slightly.

He touched his ears and tail, at least thankful he still had those.

He looked around a bit, his eyes widening.

This has got to be a dream...

Liam thought, scanning around the room.

Everywhere he looked, it was grey stone. Walls, rocks, ground.

Am I in a cave?...

Liam got up fully before staggering, trying to get used to his new legs before he stood upright, glancing around once more before he looked directly at a pair of green eyes, flashing in the shadows.

Word count: 433

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