Chapter 15

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Jason's Pov.

"Oh shit.." I grunted loudly gripping the girls hair pushing her slutty little mouth down on my cock making her gag and held her there my whole length deep in her throat.

Groaning loudly I threw my head back biting my lip.

"Lilliana!!, Fuck yes kitten!" I growled loudly shooting cum into her throat.

I felt her push me away and gasp wiping her mouth.

"My name is fucking bethany." She flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I said bethany." I rolled my eyes not wanting to admit how much I missed my adorable little kitten.

"Yeah." I answered to one of my "friends" tyler.

"Hey boss, I know you've got a girl and all and I know you dont want to fuck with your relationship but we need you out here. Your dad's gang stole 76% of our drug money leaving us with a couple millions. But still not enough to hold our gang together."

"How the fuck could you let that happen. Are you fucking dumb? We have the best security in all of fucking new york. Get your shit together and fix this. You know you guys do the fucking missions unless its important. Im a boss. Im not supposed to work dumbass." I growled into the phone. "If the shit isnt done by the time I come every single one of you is dead. Understand."

"Dont threaten me McCann. You're like my brother. Its not attractive." Tylers deep voice chuckled through the phone.

"Oh and tyler." I growled lowly.

"Yeah boss?" He answered teasingly.

"I wont be busy anytime soon." I quickly hung up the phone and felt my body start to shake in anger.

Fuck. Everything is going wrong.


Liliana's Pov.

I sighed sitting down beside my brother dried tears on my cheeks from me crying over him.

"What exactly did he say to you?" my brother growled picking up his phone. "That fucking kid better pray to god that im feeling fucking nice. And you. Liliana. I thought you hated him. Dont you know how fucked up this is. Even if you two children fell in love you idiots could never be together."

"Huh?.." I mumbled looking up. "Why not."

"You are on rival sides. He is the east side and we are the fucking west." He growled. "But right now my main focus is you and... how are you feeling?" he asked.

His face going from red to its normal colour.

"I hate him." I whispered.

"God Im so confused.." I felt tears well up in my eyes again and my brother sighed.

"You're not allowed to cry over him. Do you remember what I did when I found out Bella was cheating on me?" He smirked at me.

"Yeah you went out and fought every person you could find." I struggled out a laugh. "Im not an idiot like you."

Nodding he helped me up and dragged me downstairs.

"Im guessing you and him never got to training then did you?" He asked.

"Nope.." I sighed.

"Perfect." My brother slapped my back making me squeak.

"He grabbed my hands and held them up infront of my face.

"Always cover your face. Your stomach, your legs whatever can be fixed but your face cant. Unless you're down to get plastic surgery." He smirked before punching me straight in the gut making me fall on my ass.

And thats how it went for the next six hours. I fell until I got the hang of it and we fought all night.


Jason's (The hoe who is fucking rude just incase you forgot.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊) Pov.

I lied in the dark my eyes wide open and a pain growing in my chest. I knew it was for kitten..

But I couldnt say sorry. Not after what I said to her and there are better things in life.



Being a leader of a fucking gang.

But it will never fill the place of my princess.

Im gonna call her. I know I should call her.

Should I call her?

"No." My negative concience said. "You're better than her. She should apoligise to you. And you think she will forgive you after what you said. She fucking hates you."

I felt tears fill my eyes and I shook them off picking up my phone and slowly dialing her number I knew so well..

N..not like I tried to memorize it. I.. I wouldnt do that for a g..girl.. I felt my face flush thinking about it and I muttered a "No." putting the phone down.

See.. shes made me into a pussy. i stared at the phone as my finger inched towards the call button.. and I clicked it.

Holding it to my ear I shut my eyes tightly as her breath ragged as she muttered out a hi.

My eyebrows furrowed. Has she been fucking someone I pouted confused.

"Did you fuck someone?" I growled.

"W..what?" She mumbled sounding confused.

"You're breathing like a girl thats just been pounded for hours." I grunted.

"I fucking hate how easily you assume things you fucking piece of shit. I was working out for the past 6 hours. I wouldnt fuck someone else to make you feel like shit. Like you do to me." I heard her voice crack at that last sentence and I felt my heart pang.

"No.. kitten.. Im sorry.. You're diffucult and I meant it when I said it but I love it about you. You dont like to be pushed around and I just want to see you.. I miss you." I sighed.

I heard her voice waver sounding like she was crying. "I.. I have to go jason." She sighed. "Bye."

And with that. I heard the beep of the phone telling me she left.

God she fucking hates me.

I wish I could just pound into her little cunt for hours.

Fuck.. that would be perfect.

I felt my pants get tight around my cock and I squirmed.

Her perfect boobs. Big ass. Tight little pussy. Pink little clit. So fucking good to suck on and play with.

I groaned taking off my belt and my pants flinging them across the room.

This is gonna be a long night boys.


So.. I felt a chapter was needed

this was a little bit sexual.

do you think #jalliana needs to happen soon?

or should I wait longer before putting them together?


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