"Caught it!"Phoebe exclaimed,securing her grip on the cantaloupe,wait actually the jackalope.The names are too similar.
"Phoebe!"I said,"How did you find us?And how did you catch it?"
She smiled,"I followed you guys when you ran into the forest,and then Ruby ran somewhere over there after this thing."she gestured to the cantaloupe,I mean jackalope,"But it came back this way and started running in circles around here.So I hid right here and when it came,I caught it."
We saw light in the distance followed by rustling leaves.
"Oh yeah I think they're looking for you guys too."
We followed Phoebe towards the bright flashlight in the forest.
"Which way do you think they went?"
"I don't know dude."
"Soos,how could we lose them,again!I really hope they didn't go very far.It's dangerous out here at night.Just the other day Mabel and I had to-"
We finally found Soos and Dipper with their incredibly bright flashlights that honestly hurt my eyes.Was Dipper...biting his shirt?
"There you guys are!"he said,breathing a sigh of relief,"It's dangerous out here what are you 3 doing-is that a jackalope?"
Phoebe looked very proud of her catch,"It was stealing Summerween candy,so they went after it then I caught it."
She made it sound like we had done something really cool instead of getting lost,getting hit with a bag of rocks,and then falling flat on my face while getting laughed at by a rabbit.
Dipper took the cantaloupe,I mean jackalope from Phoebe.
"I can't believe you guys actually caught this thing."he said,"I've been trying to find it forever."
After we got back to camp it turned out we had about 10 more minutes before lights-out.Which was pretty good.So I hurried up,and luckily I didn't dream anything about Ruby but evil forcing me to stick Swedish fish up my nose.I have that nightmare a lot.
By the next day word had gotten out about the catch a lot more than I thought it would.People kept giving us high fives and congratulating us for catching the cantaloupe.Ruby and I weren't exactly sure what to do because we hadn't done anything but fall on our face.It had been Phoebe who caught it.
Phoebe didn't look very comfortable with all the attention either.She just kind of would nod her head and say,"Thank you,"when people would congratulate her very awkwardly.
On the bright side,it turned out that we were finally going to go on the field trip to see where the gnomes lived.We were all excited for that.
Dipper led the entire camp through the forest.I've got to admit,even though it was really creepy at night,it was really nice in the daylight.
After a while of walking I got curious,if the gnomes lived so deep in the forest how had Dipper and Mabel found out about them.I decided to ask Mabel.
"Well..."she said,"Back when Dipper and I were your age,I was very boy-crazy and,I had a boyfriend.It was one of our first days in Gravity Falls.Anyway,Dipper kept saying a bunch of things about how he wasn't human and he was a zombie.Wouldn't you know it Dipper was right,he wasn't human."
"Then what was he?"
"He was a bunch of gnomes standing on each other's shoulders."
"Yeah...They tried to make me their queen but then Dipper saved me and we ran from a giant angry gnome monster."Mabel said,"So they probably didn't like us for a while...but ever since Weirdmagadon-"
Camp Falls
FanficA NEW GENERATION AWAITS GRAVITY FALLS! Re-enter the grassy groves of Gravity Falls and follow Lloyd and Ruby as they uncover the cryptids and dark past of this town.