Chapter Three - Am I Making You Nervous?

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Hope you are enjoying this guys haha. It's a bit of a weird story and i have no idea where it is going.... I just know that I am chatting alot of crap and going with the flow.... I'm thinking of giving Harry Styles a monkey atm. I'm not sure yet haha. 

If possible, can someone design me a front page for the story? it's a pisstake fanfic... it shouldnt be too hard but im not very creative in the art department.

Love yous 


Blondie pushed the boy out of the way and strolled into the flat leaving me at the door staring in.

The building was misleading. The hallway in the flat looked really stylish, black and white. I actually felt underdressed. Harry and Blondie were hugging. I took a step in and paying no attention to me, they left the hall entering another room. 

"Hey girl, where you going?" Oh yeah. The little boy.

"Uhmm, well, i'm here with that boy who, uhmm" I pointed in the direction they went.

"Jay-Tay. How do you know him? I haven't seen you here before."

"Jay-Tay? That's his name? He just came to pick me up." Jay-Tay..... "I'm here to see Harry." I added awkwardly.

"Jason Taylor. You can call him J.T, everyone else does. I know who you are now. They've spoken about you..." he winked at me.

"I'll stick to Blondie... Your a cheeky little thing......"

"I'm Jonathan, you can go through you know" he crossed his arms and his top lifted. He was really skinny.

"Thanks little man, wanna show me where i'm going?" I held out my hand to Jonathan and he stepped back.

"I can't, I'm not aloud in there. Plus Ive heard about you.." Shocked. Fine. 

I walked down the hallways toward the door they went through and knocked. The door opened revealing nobody. I stepped in and looked round the door to see a group of teenage boys crowding around an xbox, one guy on a sofa beside the door frame with a book in hand. 

He looked up at me. Atleast someone did.


"Hi..." Why was I there?! 

"Tony" He took my hand in his and shook it. "I know who you are." he smirked. It made me smile.

"Most people do now days" I replied. He let go of my hand and patted the sofa next to him indicating me to sit down. Where was Blondie and Harry? I nodded and sat next to him. I felt stiff. Nobody had even looked at me apart from him and Jonathan. "What is this place? A den or something?" 

"Sort of. I live here with my mate on this side of the flat, the other side is occupied by a mother and son. This lot don't seem to ever leave" he laughed looking over at the group of boys sitting on the floor. None of them had let their eyes leave the tv yet. 

"I met little Jonathan out in the hall, he's a cutie... A little rude though"

"It's him being around this lot too much. They aint realised you're here yet. You're quite the celebrity with this lot." I looked down, "No, no. They don't care about... You know... Honestly, we don't judge, we don't care enough to judge" he said quickly thinking that he upset me. I nodded staring at my knees. 

I heard a door close on the other side of the room which I hadn't noticed. I looked up through my hair to see Blondie and Harry standing examining me. Both had smiles plastered onto their faces. Blondie spoke first.

"You haven't met Harry yet. Come and say hello, miss"

"Hello Miss" Tony said in a girly voice, the two boys standing tutted.

"It's nice to meet you" I said standing up.

"Don't stand up on my account. Sit. Relax... While you can" Harry pushed my shoulder quite harshly causing me to fall back into my seat. "Want anything? D'ya smoke?" God, that smile... The hair... The eyes... He really did look like supermarket boy, just hotter'er? "Bek?"

"Oh um, no I don't. I'll have a drink if there is one going though please?" 

"Sure thing" He slapped one of the hypnotized on the back of his head and he jumped up as to feel it. "Get the girl a drink, have some fucking manors.. You didn't offer?"

"Sorry Haz, I didn't even know this girl was here." Looking at me he apologised and left the room. Blondie was laughing.

"That boy is a pussy, sort him out man" He said slapping Harrys arm playfully. Harry looked at him and nodded his head away from us. Blondie left. He looked at Tony.

"I aint fucking moving man, this is my place." Tony answered Harry's unasked question without even looking up from his book.

"Fine." Harry took my arm and took me across the room to the door I hadn't seen when I came in. He opened it like a gentleman and gestured me inside. I curtsied and entered. 

The room was a bedroom and suprisingly big, though not as stylish as the hallway and living room. The space in here was cluttered.

"I'm suprised you came." Harry said sitting down at the end of the bed.

"Well it didn't seem like I had much of a choice."

"You didn't. JT had strict instructions to drag you here if you didn't come willingly. You had thirty minutes." He was staring me straight in the eyes "He would have barged in to get you, kitchen, bedroom.... Bathroom."

"I'm a good girl, I -"

"We both know that's not true, but I like that about you. embracing all of the negative attention. I need to do it all of the time." I didn't reply. He got up and walked over to a closet where he pulled out a bright red chinese silky looking kimono dressing gown, it was covered in gold dragons and white flowers. He threw it down on the bed. Gripping the bottom of his tee, he pulled it up over his head.

"Enjoying the show, hoe?" 

"No" I said turning my back on him. I sounded like a little kid. How pathetic was i?!

"You can turn back around now, my chest is covered" he laughed. I turned back. He looked like an idiot, though the kimono dressing gown was beautiful. It looked very expensive.

"Nice dress" I said.

"HA-HA. I think this makes me look sexy" He done a twirl and walked over to me. All of a sudden my heart started to beat fast. "Am I making you nervous?"

"As if." Did he ever STOP smiling?!?!?!?!!? It was making me weak.

"Right..." He lifted his hand to my face and brushed some hair back with his fingers, gently tiggling my ear with his little finger sending shivers all over my body. "Yet?" he said. His fingers skimmed over my jawline and down my neck. I exhaled loudly. He made a 'mmm' noise. Taking my hip in his free hand, he lead me slowly to the wall, which he pushed me against once we met it. "Are you still not feeling nervous?" he whispered in ear before biting my earlobe. I felt myself moan at the back of my throat. I felt him smile against the sensitive skin below my ear which he had started to kiss.

"I finally found some wine in the kitchen, I was going to go shop. I don't know if it's our sides or- Oh sorry" The boy had barged into the room. Harry stayed where he was. I side stepped. 

"Oh thanks, I would have been happy with a diet coke or something." I took the half drank bottle from him and looked around awkwardly. My cheeks were burning under the skin. I needed a drink. I opened the bottle and drank. It tasted funny... Like it had been open for a while but this wasn't a time to be picky. The two boys watched me down it. My eyes were watering. Erghhh. I passed the empty bottle back to the boy, who looked down at it. 

"Sick as" he nodded in approval, looked at Harry and left.

"Where were we?" Harry said as soon as the door was closed.

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