Chapter Four - Come With Me.

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Author Notes:

I'm not sure how this chapter is going to go yet lol. As you all know i'm barely professional at writing,  let's be honest, i'm pretty shit hahhaa, I hope you enjoy it anyways lol

Love yous 


"I want you to come with me"

"Why though? I thought you got what you wanted."

"I did, that doesn't mean that I don't want it agian." he tapped my chin up so that my eyes were looking into his. I forced a smile at him "That is the fakest smile I have ever seen."

I just felt uncomfortable. I shouldn't have even stayed there. It was supposed to be a fuck and duck... From both of us, yet I was laying in some strangers bed with a guy that I didn't even know, knew who I was this time yeserday. 

"I'm not being fake with you." He said squeezing my hand.

"I know you're not, I just-"

"I've been open with what I want from you so far, haven't I?" He interupted "If you never want to do it with me again, you obviously don't need to....But just know that I want to. This is supposed to be fun."

The sun was shining bright through the window. The room was messier than I remembered it being, I could only see the floor in parts, only big enough for a clear step.

 "I can't go with you anywhere." My conversation with Blondie on the way here, ran through my mind, "Harry. What would people say? No, I think we are better off to leave this alone."

"I used to care what people thought. All the amazing comments, yet the only ones I would remember were the few negative ones. I'm used to it now and I really don't give a flying fuck. I'm not asking you to marry me, I'm asking you to come to a mates birthday party with me."

He exhaled loudly letting out his frustration.

"We could just," His fingers skimmed over my forearm, down to my hand.

"Be" They crossed my hip bone and settled on my thigh "Friends?" He asked, that smirk on his beautiful face. "Whatcha say?" 

I made an 'mmm' noise and climbed on top of him. I relaxed back onto his thighs that he had brought up, my bum was on his belly and I had a foot on either side of his head with my legs slightly parted.

"I'll think about it" I finally said, though I didn't think that he cared anymore. The conversation had ended. He pulled him self out from under me. He had a hand on each of my knees, keeping me in the same position.

He was looking down at me, I was looking back up at him.

He made that same 'mmm' noise that I had and dived on top of me.

This boy....

"Do I look okay?" I asked. 

I was standing outside my house on my tip toes so that the back of my heels wouldn't sink into the grass. Harry was leaning on the side of a bright red R8 Spyder, wearing dark jeans, a black tee and shades on top of his head. He looked up from his phone and smiled.

"You'll do." He slipped his phone into his pocket and opened the driver door before climbing in. I stood there.... and stood there..... and stood there...... Get out of the fucking car and open my door for me.... and stood there..... 

On went the engine. He raised his arm and spread his fingers. First he closed in his thumb, then his index finger... Fuck, he's counting down.... He's going to leave without me... Then his middle.... 

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