Chapter 4

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* I actually feel so bad for not updating but i haven't really been writing much this summer and i totally have just not been up to typing this whole chapter up and im so sorry! But here's the next chapter!*

My mouth hung open and for the some reason I couldn't shut it.

No noise was coming out even though I tried speaking. My heart was beating so fast you could probably hear it's sound coming from my mouth.

"Alex?" I hear Lexy say on the other line. I had forgotten she was there. "I know this is alot to take in, but think of the bright side of getting to see them again after two years."

I began to relax as she says that. I've missed them terribly, but what do I say if I see Beau...I can't throw it in his face that I'm dating Kyle, I can tell now that Beau wouldn't be a fan of Kyle and Kyle doesn't like Beau already.

But I need to see them.

"Did they mention anything about me when they told you they were coming here?" I swallow nervously.

I can sense her smiling as she speaks. "They did. They said they want to see you when they get there, they're excited." She sighs. "They've come so far, Alex." I can't help but smile at the thought of how far they've come. They have fans and they've inspired people. From the day I met them I knew those five boys were destined to make people smile, my prediction was right.

The thought of hearing Beau's voice and laugh again make me smile and feel filled with joy, but I also feel the sudden anger towards him. He went two years without even trying to get in touch with me. He promised so many things before I left and now he's probably broken all those promises. I know now that his fame started while I was gone, but that doesn't mean he can't spare some time to find a way to talk to me. I thought he loved me so much that he'd never let me go...but he's let me go.

The thought of it all makes me furious.

"I don't know if I want to see Beau, Lexy." I hear silence. "I thought you missed him?"

I sigh.

"I do, but I don't think he cares about me anymore." Lexy stays quiet. "He doesn't mention me anymore, does he?"

"Not recently...but everytime someone else mentions you, he gets upset and changes the subject. I don't know what his problem is, I think he's scared that you've forgotten him."

I put my hand on my head. "I obviously haven't if I'd give everything to be in front of him again, but I'm so hurt by him for not talking to me after two years that I don't think I want to see his face again."

"You're right, I agree with you..."

"Really?" I say. I didn't expect her to agree.

"What he did wasn't right, therefore, I agree." I sigh. "Thanks Lexy, I miss you..."

I can tell she's grinning.

"Miss you too."

"So, when are they moving here?"

She sighs. "Well they've already finished packing all their things and what they need, so they should be coming in maybe less than a week."

My breath catches in my throat. They'll be here soon and they want to see me. I can already tell I'll be a crying mess when I see the boys, besides Beau. I don't know what I should feel or what I'm going to feel.

What are you supposed to do when the one you love is ripped away from you, then refuses to talk to you for two years but then wants to meet up again?

Why is it that everything goes wrong when Beau is mentioned? Ever since I met him, bad things happened like the Luke drama, the club, Jessica, my dad having a heart attack, the fight between Luke and Beau and moving back to California. And now he's coming here and I have no idea what's going to happen.

I'm not sure I want that drama in my life again.

I realize that I'm scared to see him in fear that he'll be different. I'm scared that he's gonna admit his feelings for me have changed. I still have feelings for him, but they're fading, so I can't be the one to talk...

I sigh.

"I'll call you later, Lexy. Thanks for telling me about the boys."

I hang up the phone and begin walking away from Kyle's house that I'm still standing in front of.

What am I going to do?

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