Chapter 5

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* holy crap guys I'm so sorry for not updating but I just haven't found time to type this up omg. don't kill me! I'll try to be more active! Hope you like this chapter!*

     Luke's POV

     I set my suitcase by the front door and sigh. We leave to California tomorrow and I couldn't be more ecstatic. So much has happened these past two years. First of all, our Youtube videos became viral and our subscribers shot up, we had no idea how. We also got a record deal and released a single called Set This World On Fire, and the feedback from that was amazing. Our followers on social media went up everyday. We were shocked. We kept releasing videos and eventually, we had an opportunity to move to LA and move our career forward so of course we accepted.


   When they said LA, the first thing I thought of was Alex and how much I've missed her. I never forgot about her, none of us did. But she probably hates us now for not talking to her much after she left.


 None of us really have an excuse as to why we didn't contact her and I hate myself for doing that. We were just always busy and focusing on our career that we just didn't have time. There was times when we wanted to Skype her but something would always come up.


But I really am surprised at Beau, he doesn't even mention her anymore. I know he still loves her but he's scared that she's forgotten him and moved on. From what he told me, he missed her more than anything and he hasn't gone a day without thinking of her.

     It's a repeat in history, when Alex avoided him back in Melbourne, he started drinking more and partying more, and that's what he does now. He's thrown so many parties and brought so many girls over, but as far as I know from what he's said, he's never done anything with them. He said he's saving it for someone like Alex, that is if he could ever find someone like her again.

     I think he's just scared of a relationship now because his last one was torn away from him. Maybe he's scared to talk to her.

     I start to walk away back to my room, but I turn and run into Jai who looks a bit worried.

     "What's wrong?" He points to his phone.

     "Lexy told me she called Alex the other day and told her we're coming."

     I shrug. "And?" He looks down. "She doesn't want to see us, especially Beau."

     My face falls. "What? Why does she not want to see us? We haven't talked to her or seen her in two years."

     Jai sighs. "And that's exactly why. She's so hurt that none of us contacted her these past two years and now I feel like shit for doing that to her." He rests one hand on his hip and runs the other through his hair.

     I look down, realizing how ashamed I am of myself. At least I should of tried reaching her, she went through hell leaving us, I could just imagine how she feels now.

     "I'm going to tell Beau." I say and being to walk away. "Wait!" Jai stops me. "Just don't mention to him that she might be seeing another guy now, okay?"

     I hesitate, but then walk away to Beau's room. I open the door to see him in his bed on his phone, tapping the screen aimlessly.

     He looks up at me as I step in. "Hey, I have some news..." He sits up and looks at me. I decide to just blurt it out.

     "Alex doesn't want to see us."

     His face tenses and stiffens. He stays silent. "Why?" He eventually asks. I decide to explain it to him and how it was wrong of him to do that to her. By the time he's done listening, he's out of his bed, pacing the room.

     He scares me as he suddenly punches his pillows on the bed, swearing as he does it.

     "Why do I always mess up everything! I hate myself so much." He runs his hands through his messy hair. "How could I of done this to her? I promised her I wouldn't forget her and look what I did! I lost the girl I loved cause of my dumbass actions..."

     I frown, suddenly feeling anger towards Beau. He's right, how could he of done that? How could any of us do that? It just proves her to that we don't care but we really do. We got so caught up in our fame that for a while, as much as I hate to say it, we forgot her.

     "Beau, you and I both know that we all broke that promise. We can't say we didn't forget her..." Beau's sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. He shakes his head.

     "I have to fix this, I have to see her." I sigh. "Beau she doesn't want to see you, she's pissed at us." He shakes his head again. "Beau stop, it'll cause more-"

     "I don't care! I have to fix this!" He cuts me off as he tells in my face.

     I close my eyes. He's more crazy over this than I thought.

     "Okay, Beau, just go to bed. We leave in the morning."

     He sits down on his bed, looking down. "You didn't have to share that news with me, Luke. I could of gone to bed happy." I sigh and put my hand on the door knob. I stand in the doorway for a moment, watching Beau. He really is broken...

     And I know him, he's gonna do everything in his power to fix this, and make it right again.







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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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