°|29-Activate the big plan? The Famous Straw Hat Pirates across the four seas|°

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The residents of the Conomi Islands and the neighboring islands where Rob has set up his art stores are actually surprised by the fact that this story was filmed in their East Sea.

This made them feel a lot of pride, even the Pirate King in the story and the Great Pirate in reality, Gol D. Roger was a person from their Eastern Sea!

Especially the people of Foosha village who saw themselves and their homes in the manga! It was so shocking that they hadn't woken up from shok yet.


In a wooden house, the voices of a newborn baby sounded.

"The mother has died, I'm sorry."

The doctor and midwife came out with sad expressions, leaving the green-haired girl who was still crying in the shocked man's arms.

"I've decided! Since fate willed it, your name will be Makino, my sweet little girl. You will be the inheritor of the Daddy's business in the future. You must be strong."

"Daddy is apologizing because it doesn't look like I'm going to live with you long after your Mommy is gone too.

The man seemed to be several years old in moments, as he turned his gaze away from the corpse of the green-haired woman and looked at his child who had just been born.

Next to the woman who had just died was a manga book open to a page in which a beautiful young woman appeared who seemed to be an exact copy of the woman who had just died.


This was the birthing moment of a character from the manga, which unfortunately Rob didn't attend it because he was busy as hell.

What the residents of East Blue didn't know until now is that manga of One Piece has become popular in the other three seas as well, not just their East Sea.

But they will soon know when East Blue begins to receive people from the Four Seas who were affected by the story of One Piece and wanted to see up close the places where the protagonists of their story went.

And these things have already begun, but they are on a small, unobservable scale so far.

In less than two months since Rob started creating One Piece manga, the Straw Hat Pirates have become famous in the Four Seas, even the Navy Branches of the Four Seas are beginning to learn about the ubiquitous mystery stores that sell manga books and allow the blind to regain their sight within the walls of the store.

The pirates' ideas promoted in this fantasy book were causing them some inconvenience.

After all, Rob has begun to implement his grandiose plan to conquer the Four Seas with the manga.

Within a week he had opened a large number of art stores on many islands across the four seas.

For him, navigating among four seas was as easy as wandering in his back garden.

The art stores that he opened in West Blue are:

-The art store 'Ohara', which serves as its main base in West Blue.

-The art store 'Frisia', Frisia Island is an island adjacent to Ohara located in the far northeast of Ohara, this was the island that Robin first arrived at after her escaping the navy in future events.

-The art store 'Elisia', the Kingdom of Elisia is a kingdom belonging to the World Government and Rob decided to put the art store in it because it is one of the largest and most populous kingdoms in West Blue. Rob had to use violence and intimidate the king of the kingdom in order to open his store here, the royal family was too arrogant.

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