°|39-Bell-mère, gives up her dream in order to become a waitress!|°

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"Why my little Bell-mère so sad?!"

Rob came near Bell-mère's table and noticed that she was so engrossed in sad contemplation that she didn't even feel his arrival.

Rob, already he knew why she was so sad, he wasn't blind to not see the manga folder on the table.

That book was more than just a book.

The real future would have been if Rob wasn't in this world.

What was depicted in that book is what was really going to happen.

Bell-mère woke up from her stupor and went back to reality after seeing the person she had been waiting for all day had finally arrived.

Bell-mère couldn't stand the turbulent feelings in her heart any longer and hugged Rob, crying heartily and talking almost incomprehensibly.

She was like a child who needed to calm down.

And that's exactly what Rob did as he calmed her down and gently patted her back.

Rob wasn't surprised by this, after all, she was now just a teenage girl of 15 or 16 years old.

Seeing her bleak future made her feel very sad, Rob expected that he will be living such moments very much in the future.

There will come a day when he will have to comfort his wife, his child, and perhaps all the inhabitants of Ohara when they see the horrific fate they have suffered in the future.

"Don't worry, that future won't happen as long as I here. They're just a bunch of homeless fish even if they come I'll cut them all down."

"The future I'm writing is just around the corner from turning into the past."

"The real future I will be the one who writes it, but not with a pen this time but with my own strength."

Bell-mère felt a warmth she had never felt before invade her being as she heard these powerful words.

She stopped crying and looked at Rob with her red eyes before starting to list all her grievances like a child in a fit of rage.

Rob listens to her grievances seriously, maybe he'll have a nice little sister today.

Bell-mère had never imagined she had such an ability to speak at such lengthy and nonstop.

She told him about all the bad things she had gone through since her father died and left her alone in this world. Rob listened intently because after all, what Bell-mère was saying at the moment is something not recorded in the manga.

He even didn't know the fact that Bell-mère had only seen her mother in pictures before, as she had died in the process of giving birth.

Because of her father's upbringing, she didn't know how to act as a female, she acted like men sometimes.

She wasn't originally from the Conomi Islands as she and her father, who had received a promotion in the Navy, moved to live here near the base of the Navy branch.

Rob also had a lot of information about Bell-mère's life before this moment.

If Rob could describe Bell-mère's past in one word, he'd say it's: frustrated.

Since Rob has a photographic memory, he records everything he lived and heard in his memory library.

Now Bell-mère's file in his mind library is completely complete!

He knew everything about her.

When Bell-mère has done talking about her frustrating past, she has moved to the part of the future that has yet to come.

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