°|40- Intreacts of Roger's pirates crew with One Piece manga|°

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"He's your crewmate, Rob, in a somehow he knows the future, and not only that, he's creating it and spreading it to the world!"

"Huh! Rob did that?!"

"Yes, here, see for yourself!"

Rouge took out all the manga folders in her possession from Book One to Book Five and she gave them to Roger.

At the same moment Roger's crew, they were attracted by the interesting beacon in the sky over the middle of the island, had just entered the art store with stunned expressions on their faces.

After all, they had never seen a building like this before.

Even the people of Baterilla town didn't care this time, as if they were just ordinary pirates wanting to enter the art store, after all, it became common to use art stores as resting points for pirates in the Four Seas.

Douglas Bullet felt little interest in the Material of the building in particular, as it seemed so solid, this interest became even greater when he tested the rigidity of the store's walls with a punch reinforced with haki, he felt like hitting a rock with an egg! So that it is not possible to cause any harm to it.

For a moment, he felt greedy for obtaining this building with his Devil Fruit ability, but he temporarily canceled that idea when he noticed that the building on the inside was very spacious compared to the outside.

This building was created with a Devil Fruit's ability somewhat similar to his Devil Fruit's, that's what he concluded from seeing this.

It is better not to cause trouble before finding out the tail of the owner of this building.

Everyone, they've bought the five volumes of One Piece manga that interested them and started reading the manga from the first volume.

One Piece was the focus of their trip after all, how could this title not make them feel interested?!

The moment they saw the front page, they all scream out in astonishment.

"Isn't that Captain Roger?!!!"

"Pirate King?! Hmm, this suits the captain more."

"What! Why is he being executed!!!"

"Isn't this Loguetown the city of Captain?!"

"Damn the marines, they must be drawing this nonsense, they couldn't actually beat us and they resorted to fantasy! Hmph, just dream all you want!"

Douglas Bullet tried to tear up the first volume, but he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried. For a moment he felt very embarrassed, but when he noticed that no one had seen him, he let out a sigh of relief and went back to reading the book silently this time.

Of all the crew, only Rayleigh and Gaban read the book in silence and somewhat heavy expressions.

They felt that this book was not as simple as it seemed.

Roger's laughter, his words, his facial expressions, and his actions in the book, made them feel that this was their leader who had surely fulfilled his dream.

(What did we find on the final island to make you choose such a dead-end path, Roger?!)

(Is your Inherited Will insufficient? Or is something unknown)

{A/N: Note from the author, Roger hasn't detected his illness yet or may not have begun to weaken it yet.}

Rayleigh was feeling an unprecedented emotional pain that no one could notice.


"This?! Did Rob draw this?!"

"Wahahaha, that boy really knows me better than I do."

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