°|95-Whitebeard Pirates Sailing,The beginning of Oden's journey|°

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Rob's yacht continued its fast voyage across the waters of the New World, Rob had Oden's life card, so the trip to Wano across the sea wasn't a problem.

Throughout the trip, Rob had a great time with Toki. They got to know each other better, and they became more compatible and open to each other.

For the first time, he saw a real smile on her beautiful face. They laughed together, ate together, and basked in the sun together.

They seemed like two good friends enjoying their time together.

Rob noticed that Oden's vivre card was approaching them faster, so he got a little confused.

"Hmm! Is this a life card? Looks like its owner is on a ship moving in our direction."

Rob agreed with Toki's words, he had a slight hunch about the matter.


On the other hand, on Moby Dick, which has already come out of the turbulent sea of Wano.

"I'm so glad you're joining us, Oden, may we have a drink together?"


Oden smiled and exchanged a drink with her, this blue-haired beauty was constantly flirting with him. So he wouldn't be a man if he didn't push her down soon.

"Oden sama! It's not fair, why don't you share your drink with us too."

Suddenly, Oden heard three familiar voices which made his face tremble.

"You!! Why are you here?"

"Izou? Nekomamushi? Inuwarashi?"

"Huh? We sent by the others unanimously, Oden sama can't be left sailing unattended, so Kin'emon and the rest decided to send us to take care of you."

Izou slowly said whatever was going on in his head while the little two minks nodded.

"As for us, one day on your journey you may need to stop at Zou, so our attendance is essential."

This time it was Nekomamushi who spoke up.

"You guys... I really appreciate it, thank you."

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When the drama of Oden and his servants ended, Whitey Bay dragged Oden to her room, drinking in an open space wasn't a good idea, so why don't we make it indoors?

Maybe, she'll get results with this guy today.

Whitebeard closed his eyes to his daughter's nefarious actions, might she have reached that stage? Who knows? But since Oden was also his chosen son, he wouldn't really mind if they met each other.

Just let the kids have fun.


Thus began Oden's journey aboard Whitebeard's ship, Whitebeard wasn't as opposed to Oden's joining as it had originally been, but rather was more accepting.

Having someone like Rob who truly would protect Wano and earn the trust and recognition of both Whitebeard and Oden contributed to Whitebeard's decision to accept Oden on his ship without Oden resorting to strict action.

Of course, the servants of Oden were dismissive of this issue, but their rejection was not as strong as the original, the presence of the art store contributed to this as well.

When Kin'emon and the others realized that it was impossible to convince Oden not to leave Wano, they came down to the negotiating table with him, they decided to secretly send Izou, Neko, and Inu to accompany Oden, while they agreed with Oden on a maximum of 5 years of travel, which he cannot pass and he must return to Wano to take over the country.

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