About Sister's Tangled Adventure

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What if the king and queen of Corona had another child after their daughter Rapunzel was kidnapped by Mother Gothel? What if said child was born with the powers of the moonstone and, like Rapunzel, was locked up for most of her life for fear of her safety and wellbeing? Meet Princess Harmony, the OC younger sister of Rapunzel.

Stalyan's younger sister, Morgan is this towards Varian in Beyond the Corona Walls.
King Trevor's nephew, Trevor the 3rd for Harmony.
Edmund's crow Hamuel, develops a crush on Harmony's pet duckling Daisy, though it's more him being too dense to realize she wants nothing to do with him.
Accidental Kiss: Varian and Harmony have a couple of these, once in Under Raps and another in The Alchemist Returns.
Adaptation Dye-Job: Morgan is described as a brunette in the fanfic, but artwork done of her on DeviantArt depicts her with blonde hair. This was intentional in order to make her more closely resemble her father, the Baron.
Adaptation Expansion: This fic expands more on the moonstone, such as the reveal that King Edmund originally sent it to Corona when Harmony was an infant.
Adopted into Royalty: Kiera and Catalina become princesses through Harmony's adoption of them, and are explicitly referred to as princesses in the epilogue.
Affectionate Nickname:
Varian and Harmony each have one for each other; "Vari" and "Mona", respectively.
Eugene calls Harmony "Brownie" and to a lesser extent, "Blueberry".
The sisters also call each other "Harmi" and "Punzie".
Afraid of Their Own Strength: Because Harmony was given the moonstone, she had tried to keep Varian from finding out that the black rocks plaguing his town came from her. And the Great Tree incident also didn't help matters for her, either...
All of the Other Reindeer: Harmony faced scorn and fear from the people of Corona when she was little due to her moonstone powers. Though according to her, they usually just ignored her or ran away. Once Rapunzel comes into the picture, she starts receiving better treatment.
All Your Powers Combined: After Zhan Tiri is defeated and the Sundrop and Moonstone are merged, Rapunzel ends up giving both to Harmony in Plus Est En Vous part 3.
Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Harmony, in the beginning. She gets better later on.
Alternate Universe Fic: This story is basically a retelling of Tangled: The Series, but rewritten with Rapunzel having a younger sister.
Ascended Extra: Varian has a much more prominent role in this fic compared to canon, appearing in nearly every chapter except the Before Ever After and Destinies Collide two-parters. He even ends up accompanying the group on their journey to the Dark Kingdom.
Babies Ever After: In the epilogue chapter, Varian and Harmony are married, and later have a son named Reid. Additionally, Rapunzel and Eugene end up having two daughters, Anxelin and Ruby.
Badass Adorable: Harmony is a pretty and adorably freckle-faced 14 year old who can kick butt using black rocks and is a skilled sword fighter and archer.
Be All My Sins Remembered: Varian is hit with this a lot harder here than in canon, not just because of what he did to the citizens of Corona, but to Harmony too.
Because You Were Nice to Me: It soon becomes clear that the reason Harmony falls for Varian is because he was one of the first people outside of her immediate family who didn't fear her for her moon powers.
Beta Couple: Rapunzel and Eugene are still the main couple in this fic, but it also heavily features Varian and Harmony.
Betty and Veronica: Much like Rapunzel and Stalyan towards Eugene, Harmony is the Betty to Morgan's Veronica regarding Varian. Three guesses as to who's he chooses.
Beware the Nice Ones: Harmony may be nurturing and rational, but if anyone messes with her or her family and friends, she will not hesitate to kick butt.
Birthday Episode: The Ruthless Ruth chapter has Harmony celebrating her 15th birthday. And having her first actual kiss with Varian.
Bow and Sword in Accord: Harmony is well versed in both archery and swordsmanship, though she prefers the former.
Brainy Brunette: Harmony is an aspiring inventor, and she's read a lot of books in her childhood.
Brought Down to Normal: In Cassandra's Revenge, Cass uses the decay incantation to steal Harmony's powers, nearly killing her in the process. She spends the next couple of chapters unable to create black rocks and the like until she gets her powers back in Once A Handmaiden....
Crazy Jealous Guy: Downplayed; Varian doesn't do anything "crazy" per se, but he gets super jealous of Trevor the 3rd after seeing his interactions with his girlfriend Harmony.
Cool Big Sis: Rapunzel to Harmony. The latter is also this to Kiera and Catalina, before she becomes their adoptive mother.
Covered in Kisses: After Harmony realizes that Varian was the mysterious boy she competed with in the last Contest of the Crowns, she thanks him by showering him with kisses. He's then seen stumbling about with a lovestruck expression and lipstick markings all over his face.
Dark Is Not Evil: See Lady of Black Magic below.
Dark and Troubled Past: To say Harmony didn't have an easy life would be an understatement. After she touched the moonstone, her father had her confined to the castle for fear of her safety due to having also lost his older daughter prior. She was also unfairly feared and persecuted because of her moon powers and ability to literally kill with a song.
Detect Evil: One of Harmony's abilities related to her powers.
Does This Remind You of Anything?: Following Varian's Face-Heel Turn in Queen For A Day, his relationship with Harmony develops some abusive undertones, as shown in The Alchemist Returns when he manipulates her into helping him steal the Sundrop flower under the guise that it's for the greater good of Corona, and then dropping the Nice Guy facade once he has what he wants.
In Secret of the Sundrop, he kidnaps Harmony alongside her mother, chains her up so she can't fight back or escape, physically hurts her when she can't free Quirin from the amber, and generally behaves rather yandere-ish around her.
Harmony forgiving Varian and still wanting to help him despite all that he did to her is reminiscent of Stockholm Syndrome.
Dramatic Irony: Harmony sneaks out of the castle into the blizzard to find Varian, but towards the end everyone believes the alchemist kidnapped her, despite Harmony's attempts to explain that wasn't the case.
Dramatic Necklace Removal: Frederic does this to Harmony after a heated argument about keeping her confined to the castle once again coupled with lying to her about the black rocks and labeling Varian as dangerous. He quickly regrets it, though, and Varian later makes her a new one.
Earn Your Happy Ending: The final chapter of Plus Est En Vous sees Harmony gaining the powers of both the Moonstone and the Sundrop, becoming the adoptive parents of Kiera and Catalina alongside Varian, and becoming co-ruler of Corona with Rapunzel.
Easily Forgiven: Harmony is shown to be very forgiving, such as as with her sister over their argument in Queen For a Day, and even Varian and Cassandra's respective betrayals. Downplayed somewhat with King Edmund, but she too starts to forgive him after he apologizes for everything he put her through.
Embarrassing Nickname: Varian's disheveled appearance and Ash Face following the Rooster debacle leads to Harmony giving him the nickname "Raccoon boy". While he acts like he hates it, he only allows Harmony to call him such.
Emotionless Girl: Harmony at first is this, but after warming up to Rapunzel, she becomes more expressive.
Even Evil Has Standards: Just like in canon, Cassandra shows hesitation when the Enchanted Girl pressures her to "destroy" the princesses. She also has a brief but genuine moment of shock and horror when she almost ends up killing Harmony after robbing her of her powers.
Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: Much like how the near-universally beloved Rapunzel has a few people she genuinely dislikes, Harmony also has a few "not-friends". The most notable are Morgan (at first), Calliope, and Creighton.
Family of Choice: While Harmony is at an age where she would logically be considered Kiera and Catalina's adoptive older sister (as the former is 16 and the latter two are preteens by the start of the third season), they still refer to her as their mother, and she doesn't mind them calling her such.
Forgotten First Meeting: In the Beginnings chapter, the flashback reveals that Varian and Harmony previously met during the last Contest of the Crowns, but at the time he competed using a disguise and "Ruddiger" as an alias. In the present, she realizes that Varian was the mystery boy through remembering that he used alchemy in some of the challenges.
Foreshadowing: After her first necklace is destroyed, Varian gives Harmony a new one with sun and moon charms on it, hinting at how she ends up getting both the Sundrop and Moonstone's powers at the end of the story.
Fountain of Youth: Harmony ends up regressing into a six year old when she and Rapunzel travel back in time in No Time Like The Past.
Friendly Tickle Torture: Rapunzel discovers that Harmony is ticklish in No Time Like The Past, much to the latter's chagrin. Varian also gets in on it in Race To the Spire.
Friend to All Children: Harmony is shown to be especially nurturing towards kids, as evidenced by her interactions with Angry and Red. They even ask her to be their mother at the end of Vigor the Visionary. She is also motherly towards Varian when he turns younger in Mirror, Mirror.
Gibberish of Love: Varian spends the first few chapters stammering in front of Harmony, but eventually grows out of it.
Gilded Cage: Harmony spent the first 14 years of her life confined to the castle after Rapunzel was kidnapped. She was given somewhat more freedom than Rapunzel ever had when she was locked up in her tower.
Happily Adopted: Angry/Kiera and Red/Catalina. While Lance adopts them in canon, it's Harmony and Varian who adopt them in the end here.
The Hecate Sisters: Both downplayed and played with due to the relatively small but still notable age gaps between Raps, Harmi and Cass. The optimistic, free-spirited Rapunzel is the Maiden; Harmony, despite being the youngest is the Mother, being the most nurturing and sensible; and Cass is the Crone; sharp-tongued and no-nonsense, but also kind and noble.
Heroic Sacrifice: Like her sister, Harmony does anything for her friends, as showcased when she went out in the snow, against everyone's wishes, to help Varian with his father. If Varian hadn't found her, she would've likely died.
Imaginary Friend: Harmony mentions in Challenge of the Brave that she had one when she was little. Too bad said friend turned out to be Zhan Tiri in her Enchanted Girl form.
Insecure Love Interest: Varian occasionally shows shades of this here, believing he can't offer Harmony anything because of their vastly differing economical statuses.
Harmony also feels this way sometimes, fearing that her powers will turn him away from her.
In Spite of a Nail: Despite being an AU, there are things from the canon show that are carried over here, such as Cass getting her hand injured at the Great Tree, stealing the moonstone and turning evil, and Varian teaming up with the Saporians and erasing the king and queen's memories.
Just a Kid: Harmony ends up facing this during the blizzard and watching Varian being turned away. Being only 14 means that the people view her more as a child and less of an authority figure here. This causes some brief but notable tension between her and the others, though she quickly forgives them once they apologize.
Kick the Dog: After stealing the moonstone, Cassandra becomes particularly cruel towards Harmony, often mocking her for her age and how everyone feared her. During their confrontation at her stronghold, Cass tries to provoke the latter by claiming that Varian loved her first and settled for second best. Even if Harmony knew it wasn't true, that was still a low blow, even for Cass.
Letting Her Hair Down: Harmony initially has her hair tied up in a Prim and Proper Bun when she first appears. What The Hair and onwards has her wearing her hair loose as well as going barefoot, symbolizing her warming up to Rapunzel.
Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The optimistic social butterfly Rapunzel is the Light to her sister Harmony's more rational, down-to-earth Dark.
Literally Falling in Love: How Varian and Harmony's first meeting with each other goes. Or what is believed to be the first time they meet, that is
Locked into Strangeness: Touching the Moonstone as a baby caused Harmony's hair to turn partially blue and develop a crescent moon symbol on her left hand.
Long-Lost Relative: Because "Before Ever After" takes place six months after "Tangled", and Harmony was away during the events of the film, the sisters didn't properly meet until after Rapunzel had returned.
Love-Interest Traitor: Varian becomes this after he reveals to Harmony that he used her to get the Sundrop Flower.
Love Martyr:
Despite everything he did to her in his villainous state,note Harmony's feelings for Varian never changed, wanting nothing more than to keep her promise of saving his father.
And just like in canon, here Cassandra commits multiple heinous acts that would make anybody deem her a lost cause, yet both sisters refuse to give up her. Did we mention that one of those acts included nearly killing Harmony after de-powering her?
Lunacy: Harmony gained the powers of the moonstone as an infant after she touched the opal sent to her by King Edmund. As such, she can create black rocks, utilize moonbeams, and sense evil. However, because she only had it for a few seconds at the time before it was sent back to the Dark Kingdom, she only gained half its power, hence why only her bangs turned blue and not her full hair.
Making the Choice for You: In the "There's Something About Hook Foot" chapter, Varian and Harmony get so fed up with Rapunzel and Eugene's argument that they comically step in to let Hook Foot be himself.
Mama Bear: Harmony's protective streak towards children is on full display in Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, where she's the one most incensed by Creighton's attempts to kill Catalina after it's revealed that she's the werewolf.
Mark of the Supernatural: Along with her light blue hairstreaks, Harmony has a blue moon symbol on her left hand as a result of being imbued with the Moonstone's power. When she gets the power of the Sundrop in the finale, she gets golden yellow hairstreaks and a sun symbol on her right hand.
Morality Pet: After Queen for a Day, Harmony is this to Varian following his descent into villainy, as she's the only one who who checks up on him after the blizzard, and his true sweet personality shines through on occasions whenever the two are together.
My God, What Have I Done??: Harmony suffers through this after the Great Expotations chapter, as she accidentally creates a black rock in front of Varian, and it makes her avoid him.
Noodle Incident: Harmony apparently had an incident where Milton the goat charged at her. Not much detail is given about it, but it's clearly a source of embarrassment for her.
Not Allowed to Grow Up: Seems to be the case with Harmony's duckling, Daisy. Despite having been with her for several years, she's still referred to as a duckling and small enough to fit in her hand.
No Ontological Inertia: Harmony gained her moon powers when she touched the moonstone as an infant, but after Rapunzel's hair was cut in the film, thus losing her healing powers, her own powers disappeared for a while until the sisters came into contact with the black rocks here.
Original Character: Angelxoxo8's OC Harmony is the main focus of this fic, but she also has created a few other OCs for this story; Morgan, who is Stalyan's younger sister; Silver and Daisy, Harmony's horse and pet duckling; and Trevor the Third, the nephew of King Trevor.
Parental Substitute: At the end of Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf, Harmony decides to become Kiera and Catalina's legal guardian, since she can't officially adopt them until she's 18. She even lets them call her "Mom" despite the small age gaps between them.
Post-Kiss Catatonia: Happens to a younger Varian when Harmony and Rapunzel visit the past in No Time Like the Past.
Power Dyes Your Hair: Harmony has brown hair with blue highlights as a result of her moon powers. The only reason her hair isn't fully blue unlike Cassandra is because she only very briefly came into contact with the moonstone as a baby. She later gains gold streaks after obtaining the Sundrop's power along with the Moonstone's.
Practically Different Generations: Harmony and Varian's son, Reid, is born in the epilogue, when his adopted sisters, Kiera and Catalina, are in their teen years.
Puppy Love: Varian and Harmony in No Time Like the Past.
Rags to Royalty:
Much like with Eugene being the long-lost prince of the Dark Kingdom, this also seems to be case with Varian through his eventual marriage to Harmony in the epilogue.
A more straight example is with Kiera and Catalina, who spent most of their young lives on their own before being adopted by Harmony and Varian. The epilogue reveals that they have since become princesses.
Relationship Upgrade:
Varian and Harmony have their first kiss (albeit accidentally) in Under Raps, but don't officially call themselves boyfriend and girlfriend until much later.
Lance and Adira end up becoming an item in the finale.
Shipper on Deck: Rapunzel, clearly, for Harmony and Varian. Kiera and Catalina are also Harmarian shippers, shown when they help Rapunzel try to set the latter two up on a date in Vigor the Visionary, much to their embarrassment.
Ship Tease: Varian and Harmony have a lot of romantic tension throughout the entire first season, to the point where they aren't official until they set off for the Dark Kingdom, months after they met.
Short Teens, Tall Adults: Harmony is stated to be 5'2" at the start of the story, and while she does grow a couple of inches by the third season, she's still shorter than Varian, who himself is still shorter than Rapunzel despite his own growth spurt.
During an argument with Harmony, Frederic rips off the necklace Varian made for her and throws it into a fireplace not unlike how what Queen Elinor did to Merida's bow during a similar argument.
In Under Raps, Harmony and Varian reference the famous Spaghetti Kiss from Lady and the Tramp.
As the flashbacks in Pascal and Daisy's Stories show, two baby animals become orphaned after their mothers are killed; in Daisy's case, by a hunter. Wait, are we talking about Daisy or Bambi?
Varian trying to rescue Harmony from getting married to King Trevor's nephew is an obvious reference to the Holding Out For A Hero sequence from Shrek 2.
After the group narrowly escape Rapunzel's old tower after it is overrun with black rocks, Harmony and Eugene do a victory dance complete with chanting "No evil here tonight. You on a diet!".
In the climax of The Alchemist Returns, the way that Harmony berates Varian for lying to her about using her to steal the Sundrop flower is scripted similar to how Princess Atta discovers Flik's lie about the circus bugs being warriors.
While riding on top of Little Big Guy, Varian and Harmony share a passionate kiss rather similar to the iconic moment between Jack and Rose.
Rapunzel and Eugene having daughters named Anxelin and Ruby is a reference to a pair of minor characters in the Descendants franchise, both of whom were Rapunzel's daughters.
Sibling Yin-Yang: Initially played straight in Before Ever After, with Rapunzel being her usual friendly, peppy self, while Harmony is more grounded and proper. Downplayed later on when Harmony opens up and becomes more social, but is still more rational and keeps a level head.
Sick Episode: The subplot of Big Brothers of Corona has Harmony dealing with a cold and Varian taking care of her.
Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Besides him being the first person her age who was willing to look past her deadly powers, Harmony was also drawn to Varian for his sweet, This example contains a YMMV entry. It should be moved to the YMMV tab.Adorkable demeanor.
Small Role, Big Impact: King Edmund sending the Moonstone Opal to Corona around the time Harmony was born leads to her father confining her to castle walls to ensure her safety (even moreso since Rapunzel had also been kidnapped four years prior).
Smelly Skunk: Varian gets sprayed by one in Curses!.
Solar and Lunar: Since this an AU fic about two sisters representing said celestial bodies, this is a given. Corona's emblem is also changed here to have both the sun and moon joined together.
Spit Take: Harmony has this reaction in The Eye of Pincosta when she finds out Goodberry's place is a three day walk.
Spock Speak: In her debut in the Before Ever After two parter, Harmony speaks without the use of contractions as a sign of her uptight, proper attitude. She starts speaking more plainly when she starts opening up to her sister.
Strong Family Resemblance:
Trevor the 3rd looks exactly like his uncle, King Trevor, minus the facial hair.
Morgan's facial features are similar to her sister, Stalyan, and she also has the same hair color as her father, the Baron.
Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: In The Eye of Pincosta, Harmony reluctantly works with Morgan, who doesn't hesitate to mock the girl.
Trademark Favorite Food:
Aside from ham sandwiches and hot cocoa, Varian also has a Sweet Tooth for dark chocolate. Probably because it reminds him of Harmony's eyes.
Harmony loves blueberries and anything blueberry-flavored. Several chapters show that she also likes pies and butternuts.
True Blue Femininity: Harmony's Color Motif.
Understanding Boyfriend: Throughout Harmony's struggles, Varian is shown to be very patient and always lets her talk to him whenever she's ready.
Would Hit a Girl: Not only does Varian attempt to suffocate Cassandra and Arianna as per canon, he also viciously assaults Harmony in a fit of rage when her black rocks have no effect on the amber encasing Quirin.
Violently Protective Girlfriend: Harmony demonstrates in several chapters that she will not hold back against anyone who tries to hurt Varian.

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