What if Anne Boonchuy and Luz Noceda switched places right as they were heading to their respective worlds? This story will switch the two protagonists' places. How will they adapt? Find out now in this long story that will cover the events of both...
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Previously on Calamitous Intervention
Wartwood had gathered around in excitement for a rare event called the Julecoming, where the sun and moon align and darken the sky, signaling the supposed return of a mythical frog named Julius. Despite Luz's skepticism as she knew this was just a solar eclipse, everyone eagerly donated precious offerings to this mysterious deity, who indeed showed up during the eclipse.
Faced with a dilemma, Luz offered one of her potions to the being, but realized too late that it was a fire potion, burning his mouth in the process. Out of retaliation, he angrily cursed her, turning her into a frog the following morning. Humiliated by her new look, she and the Plantar children went to Maddie's house, where after some investigating, they learned that the "Julius" everyone saw was actually a random ordinary frog named Sandler.
After pressing him a bit further, they learned that the mayor made him go out and pretend to be the mythical deity to cash in on this event and steal even more from Wartwood's poor citizens, and had somebody else curse Luz on his behalf. Filled with vengeance, the group followed a trail to a dingy shack, where they discovered notorious entertainer Barry was the mastermind behind the curse. Following some tense fighting and dodging dangerous spells, they succeeded in undoing the curse.
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Hop Popular
It had been weeks since the eclipse, and the air was starting to cool down. Amphibia's weather was pretty unusual to Luz's eyes and was unlike anything she had known back on Earth. Even though it felt like spring or summer most of the time, there would be a small part of the year that felt like autumn before abruptly shifting to winter. Luz was baffled at how this world even worked, but she wasn't exactly a meteorologist. Just when she had finally started to figure it out, something new sprung up and surprised her.
As usual, it was time to open their stand for yet another afternoon to stay afloat. Luz was excited about selling some of her potions to the town, as it had been a while. Demand for them was quite high, judging by the many requests the Plantars had received through the mail.
"Alright, seems like we've got all we need," Hop Pop said, wheeling a cart filled with produce and tomatoes toward the stand. That tomato monster still tried to bite them from time to time, but it had mellowed out for the most part. It wasn't pleasant, but certainly better than dealing with a giant raging beast.
Tomatoes were by far their most popular good, thanks to their rarity. Unfortunately, despite their demand, they still weren't enough to save Stumpy's Diner, which had been shut down after it was given a bad review by Albus Duckweed. It was a real shame, considering how convenient it was.
With the stand all ready, they began unloading produce and setting things up. After cleaning out the cauldron stationed there, Luz fired it up, ready to brew some fresh potions. The Plantars were expecting a smooth, busy day... except the market was quiet. Too quiet, in fact, with much fewer people wandering about than normal.