Wally and Luz

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Previously on Calamitous Intervention

Over in Wartwood, Hop Pop and the Plantars were growing frustrated with Mayor Toadstool's blatant hypocrisy, manipulation, and greediness, which left the town in a decaying state. Feeling a burst of motivation and a desire to make a change, Hop Pop stunned everyone by announcing he would run for mayor, even if the road would be long and grueling.

Quickly gaining the support of the small town and Luz, they headed to the town's Archives where they caught up to speed on how elections work, and quickly learned they would need to campaign across the whole valley just to get enough signatures to appear on the ballot. The next few weeks were filled with long speeches and endless trips made bearable thanks to Bessie and the fwagon. Still, Hop Pop succeeded in gathering enough signatures and faced Toadstool in a series of athletic challenges more suitable for a family wrestling show.

Defying all expectations, he would win the final election and become the new mayor of Wartwood, bringing a new surge of hope and optimism to Wartwood's residents. Toadstool refused to accept his loss, claiming the election was rigged, but everyone else had none of that and drove him out of the town for the time being.

As Hop Pop celebrated by dancing with the love of his life Sylvia, he had yet to figure out how busy he would be once he became mayor, or how much time would he still have with the children and Luz. That would still be at least a few days away.

Chapter Twenty-Nine - Wally and Luz

It felt like just a few minutes since everyone was celebrating Hop Pop becoming the new mayor of Wartwood, and since he was likely the first frog mayor, this was a really big deal. Toadstool and Toadie had unsurprisingly gone missing after they fled, but nobody really gave them much thought.

As Hop Pop was smiling and waving toward the enthusiastic crowd, an assistant frog cleared his throat and gestured for him to follow him behind the curtain, presumably to start registering and filling out the process now that he was officially mayor.

"Well, you certainly caught me in the middle of my dang celebration. What seems to be the matter?" the old frog asked.

"Now that you're officially mayor, congrats on that," the assistant began, his voice slightly lowering. "it is time for you to start filling out paperwork and legal documents to register for your new job. We should head on over to City Hollow for the time being. Oh, and you should also decide what to do with your kids. It's gonna be a long night."

"Heh, certainly saw that one coming," Hop Pop wistfully fired back, his joking voice mostly concealing his sudden realization of his new responsibilities. "I can talk to Luz and the others and see where they'll be staying tonight. They'll probably get bored at my office real quick, and they most definitely need some sleep."

"You do you," the assistant simply replied as he got up and began walking away. "I'll be outside the entrance once you're done."

After he stood silently for a few moments before sighing, Hop Pop went back to business as he slowly approached Luz, who was still squealing in delight and excitement at his victory.

"Hey Luz, I gotta bit of a favor to ask of you," he began.


"Right now they want me to go into City Hollow and start filling out paperwork and registering legal documents and whatnot, and it looks like it's gonna take me all night. Someone still needs to look after Sprig and Polly, and I know you're just dying for sleep at this point. Would you mind taking the kids home and spending at least tonight alone on our farm?"

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