Y/n's Pov:
I was in the butterfly mansion when my crow that I haven't seen in ages! Flew inside the room.
"Caw! Bitch! Mission!" He yells, "So hurry the fuck up!" He yells some more
"Jeez okay" I said,
The day before, my sword finally came!!
I quickly changed into my demon slayer uniform and walked out the door.
"Mission?" Someone said behind me so of course I turned around, "Tokito! Yes I'm going on a mission! Wish me luck!" I waved goodbye and ran away
"Haro" I said, "What B-"
"Am I working with someone?" I said cutting him off. "Don't cut me off bitch!" He says
'he ignored my question '
I sighed
"We are here caw! Bye bitch!" Haro flys away, "Bye!" I yell
"You finally made it" a familiar voice said, "Obanai?" I call out.
I was expecting to see Obanai only
But instead another person came'Sanemi'
I heard Sanemi made a 'tsk' sound
"Are you on a mission with me?" I said, "we both are" Obanai answers
"Okay, well we should get going" I said and Obanai nods.
After a while the sun has fallen down and the moon was up.
The three of us were in the woods searching for demons, because that's where the people who lives in this village said that they always hear crys in this woods.
Not even a moment after we heard a voice.
"Well well~ three slayers came? I feel honored~"
The demon said, "I can already tell that girl is weak...while you two boys...are hashira's!" The demon says
"You won't be able to defeat me, there's many demons that work for me are all over this woods" the demon said
With that, The three of us ran more deep in the woods, in fact we did saw many demons
"Let's split up" Sanemi said already running some where.
I look at Obanai who was also running to who knows where
After that long mission, I was able to kill about 10 demons? While the two guys killed way more....
"It's still night, we should find a place to stay" I suggest, "Let's go then" Obanai says
We found a hotel, so we walked in
"Hello!" The woman greeted, "Hello, can I have 3 rooms?" I said
"I'm sorry Hun but the only room available is with 2 beds" she frowned.
"We will take that one" Obanai said, "Okay! Here's your room number!" She hands me a card with a number.
"Thank you" I said before leaving to find out room.
"This is it" I said opening the door.
The room had 2 beds, a small kitchen, a small table that could fit four people and lastly a bathroom.
"I'm taking a shower first" I said, and grabbed my spare clothes.
(Don't ask where I got them)
After my good shower, I decided to cook cause I was hungry.
"What are you making?" Obanai asked, "Furofuki Daikon" I smiled
He nods and walks away.
"Dinner's ready!" I shout.
Obanai came but not Sanemi?
"Did he left?" I said, "Sanemi?" He says and I nod, "No"
"So why doesn't he come to eat?" I said, "I don't know, why don't you ask him to come?" Obanai said
I stood up and saw Sanemi
"S-Sanemi...Dinner's ready" I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear.
He walked past me also hitting his shoulder against mine
I sat back down and they were already eating.
From the corner of my eye I saw Sanemi take his bite, and his eyes widened a bit.
Then went back to normal.
No...must be my imagination
After dinner, Since there was only two beds Sanemi and Obanai were sharing while I, get the other bed.
Time skip to the next morning.
I woke up pretty early today, the two guys were still asleep.
I wanted to make a flower crown, so that is what I did. I was outside feeling the nice breeze of air.
'all done!'
I sat up and turned around to see Obanai and Sanemi.
"Good morning" I said, "Morning" Obanai replies.
I saw Sanemi eyes went towards the thing in my hands, which was the flower crown
Flashback ~
"Onii-chan! Look I made a flower crown just for you!" I smiled. "Really? Thank you Y/n" Sanemi leans down for I can put the crown on his head. "Well thank you, I have to go help Genya okay?" Sanemi smiles, "Okayyy!" I smiled back
End of flashback~
"I'll be right back" says Obanai leaving me and Sanemi alone
I smiled and went to Sanemi holding the flower crown.
"Onii-chan? You want it?" I said tilting my head.
Sanemi gave me a glare, "Don't call me that, and don't you dare go around telling people that I'm your older brother"
He walks right past me once again...

Love you for Infinity~
RandomThe 'Mu' in Muichiro stands for infinity, and so does their love. "I'll love you for Infinity" Muichiro whisper's in my ear. Y/n Shinazugawa, Younger sister of Sanemi and Genya shinazugawa. One day after a demon attack their home Sanemi and Genya we...