24: Kotetsu- Swordsmith village part 1

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So sorry for the late posting!

Y/n's Pov:

"I'm so bored~ I haven't gotten a mission....Tanjiro just woke up~ where's Muichiro?" I sat up

I groan and flop right back to the grass.

His hands around my waist....

His breath on my neck.

I was turning red.

"Hey bitch! Missed me!"

I look up to a tree and saw Haro

"Nope!" I lied, I did miss him

"Good, were on the same page" he then jumps on my lap

"Get your lazy ass up! You have a mission!" Haro yells very loudly

"Haro! My ears...." I mumbled

"Does it look like I give two fucks?"

"Ugh, move your very heavy"

"Bitch! You built like-"

"Already! Where's my mission?" I stood up

"Follow me...bitch!"

'is bitch his favorite word?'

"We are here!"

"....hurry up"

"Bye bitch!"

And there he goes....


"I broken my sword~ my poor sword~ la~la~la~"

My sword broke.


"I should probably go visit Tanjiro tomorrow. Its pretty late" I said

Time skip to Tomorrow :)

"Tanjiro!" I yell

"Y-Yes!" He replies, "where are you going?" I asked him

"Ah! To the swordsmith's village!" He says, "Swordsmith's?"

"I will be visiting Mr.Haganezuka, because of my sword broke"

"Oh! Can I come with?" I said, "Yeah sure!"

"My sword is also broken" I said and he nods

"Do you know who else is going?" Says tanjiro

"I think Mitsuri is going"

"I see..."

To the swordsmith's village -

"Woah...." I twirl around looking at the huge estate's

"Nice isn't it?" Tanjiro said and I hummed in response

"Y/n, you can go explore I have to talk to the leader" with that tanjiro waves me goodbye


'Time to explore!'

After quite some time I was in a shop but then I felt someone tapped my shoulder

I turn around and saw a little kid?

"Kotetsu. And mind grabbing that for me!" He points at an object that was on a high shelf

"Sure" I said reaching up high and grabbed the object.

"Here" I gave him a small smile and he nods

"Thank you"

Tiny little time skip-

I was in the line and the same kid was infront of me

"You don't have enough"

"Please! I really want this!" I suppose his name is Kotetsu since he told me earlier

I notice that people behind me were getting a bit angry.

"I'll pay"

I stepped forward and place my toy figure sword on the counter

Then I place the money down, "I'll get going now"

My feet walks out the store but stopped when someone was yelling

"You there! Wait!! Oof!"

I turn around to see the same kid in his bottom....he must have crashed into me

"I'm really sorry" I kneel down

"What's your name!"

"Y/n, Y/n Shinazugawa"

"T-Thats all! Goodbye!" He stands up and runs away.


"Tanjiro! There you are!" I shout

"Hey Y/n! I met Mitsuri a few minutes ago! And now I'm going to the Hot springs wanna come with?" He asked

"Yeah sure"

"Whatcha got there?"

"Oh! This is for.... someone" I mutter,

"Okay! Let's go!"

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