20- Entertainment District Arc part 3

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Y/n's Pov:

We finally caught up to tanjiro who was holding Nezuko

"Woah, is this Nezuko Kamado? A flashy way to demonized" Tengen said

"T-Tengen?" Tanjiro says

"Tanjiro, You need to calm down Nezuko before something happens" I said to him

"Yeah, can't you sing her a lullaby or something?" Tengen said

Right before Tanjiro can say anything, Nezuko pushed her foot to the floor then the Kamado siblings went flying out the house

"Your a hashira right? I been waiting for you" The female upper six demon

"Get lost"


"Your no upper six...not when your that weak"

"I am a upper s-"

Before she can finished her head was chopped off but how?

"Huh?" She says

Then Tengen started to roast her ass it was pretty funny to be honest

But the fun stopped when she was beginning to cry. Out loud

"Damn it! I am a upper six!"

"I don't think so"


My eyes widen when something was crawling off her back

Tengen immediately launched himself to try to cut whatever was growing out her back but they disappeared

"My dear sister....Your beautiful face" A weird voice said

I turn my head to see another demon!

"Brother! These people bullied me!"

"Daki...." The male demon says

'her name is daki?'

Y'all Imma time skip this cuz IDK why but I'm lazy af

Time skip-

My eyes open to see fire

What's going on

Where's tanjiro? Tengen? Inosuke? Zenistu?


Everything hurts

I tried to stand up but failed

I was stabbed on my right thigh and I was poison cause of that male demon who claims himself to be Gyutaro

I heard crashing noices...

To my right!

I whipped my head and saw Tanjiro and that demon!

I have to help him

My legs were finally able to work again
So I ran over to tanjiro with my sword


I can't hear...Tengen is saying something. Did we not defeat him?
Is he still alive?

I looked at the body to see red stuff coming out....

The last thing I saw- or felt was a pair of arms wrapped around me keeping me safe.

"Y/n....Y/n....Y/n..." Someone is calling my name....but who?

"M-Mother?" I whisper

"Yes, Please open your eyes"

My eyes shot open and saw pink flames around my body...or me and Tokito's Body


"Ow...my head hurts" I groan and put my head on....his chest

"Sorry...I'll let you two be"
Tanjiro said

"It's fine, I'm glad you survived" my words were muffled

"Same for me" and with that he left

"Y/n, wake up"

"Nooo" I said

Then arms placed on both my shoulders pulling me back and settle me on the floor

"Obanaiiii" I pouted and collapsed on the ground

"My legs hurt" I mumbled and went to sleep

This pretty short sorry

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