Day three, even more perfect.

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I woke up to Sam shaking me slightly from behind and sat up, 'Hey Charlotte your awake!' he whispered to me, 'uh,yeah i am' i smiled, and layed back down 'WOULD YOU ALL WAKE UP!' Sam shouted, everyone sat up quickly and Sam started laughing, i put my face in my pillow and laughed, i felt someones arm go round me 'its okay, why are you crying?' i heard Marcus's voice, i lifted my head up and he saw i was laughing, 'Im laughing not crying!' i giggled and kissed him. I looked at Zoe and she smiled at me, 'should us girls go up and get ready then?' Tanya said, Zoe,Louise,Fleur and me nodded and we made our way upstairs with our things, 'I'm going to have a shower' I told them, and i went into the bathroom and got undressed and got into the shower, I washed my hair and dried it, Zoe let me borrow her hair dryer, i got dressed into dark denim shorts, and a white t shirt, Zoe did my makeup for me and Fleur let me borrow her straightners to do my hair, I barely ever had my hair down in the day, only when i was sleeping, 'Lets go shopping today!' Tanya said, 'Yes!' Louise, Zoe, Fleur and me all said in unison, we got our bags and put some money inside with our makeup bags, we went downstairs to 8 boys fully dressed and groomed, I walked over to Marcus and his arms went round my waist, I looked behind me to see Jack tickling Finn on the floor, i giggled and looked back at Marcus, 'We're going shopping, you boys coming?' I asked him, 'Yeah we'll go, nothing else to do' he smiled and kissed me.

We were all getting into the car, the same seats as yesterday and Tanya was on the phone to Jim(her boyfriend) and Zoe to Joe(her brother), Fleur and Louise were also on the phone to there husbands, I was talking to Marcus who was sat in front of me when we pulled up into the car park for the shopping centre, we got out the mini bus and i hugged Marcus, Zoe,Louise,Tanya,Fleur and me went off into Topshop while the boys went down into Topman, the floor below where we were, i picked up a few t shirts and jeans, and a pair of disco pants, then i went over to the makeup and picked up some topshop nail paint, and some lipsticks, i went and paid for it all, and waited for the other girls, we left and went down to MAC, i picked up some makeup from in there aswell, it was 3 by the time we came out of MAC so I called Marcus and told him to meet us at Nandos, about 10 minutes after we got in the boys appeared at the door, Marcus came over and kissed me, follwed by all the other boys hugging me aswell, and a special best friend hug from Sam, Alfie, Casper, Jack and Finn.  We all sat down at a table and ordered our food, we were in there for about an hour eating and chatting, i was sat between Jack and Alfie, Marcus was opposite me, it was 4 by the time we had finished and we had a few hours to shop still.

We finished shopping at 6 and we went back to Marcus's, We sorted out all of the things we bought and sat down in the lounge together. 'I don't know what to do!' Sam said. 'Why dont we do a YouNow broadcast with all 13 of us?' Maz suggested, we all agreed and Marcus got his macbook, we all sent links on twitter, tumblr adn facebook, we put the macbook far enough away so you could see all of us, we were sat in two rows, a row of us on the floor and a row of us on the sofa, Sam, Marcus, Me, Alfie, Jack, Finn and Caspar were sat on the floor, Maz, Louis, Zoe, Louise, Tanya and Fleur were sat on the sofa, when it started up we straight away had 500 watchers, after about 5 minutes there was 300 watchers and everyone was asking who i was, there were people in the chat box saying; whos that girl between Marcus and Alfie, shes not a youtuber?. Marcus decided to tell them all, 'Okay guys, i can see alot of you are asking who this is' he pointed to me,'well her name is charlotte and she is my girlfriend.' I smiled and waved, Marcus put his arm round me to prove things, and then he kissed me, and wrote on his twitter 'I love @charlottedavies' i smiled again, and we carried on with the younow broadcast, when it was 8 we came off and watched Paranormal Activity 3, we decided to sit and sleep differently again, Marcus didnt sit with me tonight because he wanted to sit with Maz and Louis, i thought that was fair enough, so i sat next to Louise, and Sam, Jack and Finn were next to Sam, then Caspar, Alfie, Maz, Marcus, Louis. Next to Louise was Zoe, Tanya and Fleur, we watched the film and this one scared me quite abit so Sam had his arm round me to make me feel protected, I looked over at Marcus he smiled at me, i smiled back and went back to watching the film, it was half 10 when it finished and we decided to go to sleep, because we were going to go to Thorpe Park tommorow and we needed to be up at 6 to leave, I was really excited to go, i loved rollercoasters, so i put my head down and went to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed this, i dont think this chapter was very good, but hey ho il try and make the next one really good! :)

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