Unpacking, organising, filming, editing&goodbyes for Louis.

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I woke up the next morning with my head on Marcus's lap, he was sat up in bed on his macbook, i sat up and he put his arm round me, still typing on his twitter about posting a special video tommorow, 'what special video you posting tommorow then?' i asked him, 'A video with all of us, so you, Zoe, Joe, Louise, Matt, Darcy, Fleur, Mike, Tanya, Jim, Jack, Finn, Alfie, Caspar, Sam, Maz, me and Louis before he leaves, and we're going to each film one on different topics, its going to take a while, but we're all going to edit them tonight and post tommorow' I smiled, 'sounds fun! but we need to unpack and organise all of our stuff first' i told him. 'Yeah everyones already doing that, its just us who needs to start' he said putting both his arms round me and squeezing me, i kissed him and got out of bed, i walked over to my suitcases and opened my first one up, Marcus had packed them so i had no idea what was in here, I found all of my clothes in the first one, Marcus and me had seperate wardrobes and drawers because we wouldnt be able to fit all of our things into one, I put all of my clothes onto clothes hangers and Marcus was doing the same, I put all of my underwear into drawers, all my tights&bikinis into another, i got all my perfumes out and put them onto the top of my dressing table, then put my makeup into the drawers in it, then filled another drawers with nail paints, i came to my last suitcase that was filled with topshop, american apparell, new look, mac and zara bags, all full, i looked at Marcus, 'Oh yeah, theres on last surprise, Zoe helped me out on this one' my face lit up and i jumped on him, i wrapped my legs round his waist and kissed him, 'thankyou so so so much baby!' he kissed me back and put me down, i went over to Zoe's room and knocked, we had all gotten letters to put on our doors so we knew where everyone was, poor Louise had to fit three names, Zoe opened the door and hugged me 'Thankyou for all the clothes you helped Marcus pick out for me!' I thanked her, 'Thats okay sweetie! Alot of the clothes you pointed out to me are in there that you couldnt afford before aswell, enjoy!' I smiled and went back into our room, i pulled out the Topshop bags and found everything that i had pointed out to Zoe in there with some added things, same with Zara, New Look and MAC, we never went to American Apparell, but the disco pants that me and Zoe love so much were in there, I was so happy and i put them all away, when i was done i had a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed and did my makeup and hair, we had a special filming room in the back of our house where we were going to film alot of out collaboration videos.

We were all down in the room at 2, Louis's flight was at 5 to go back to LA, luckily when we were filming we didnt have to move around much, only the persons channel it was going to be on, that person would go to the front in the middle, it took about 2 and a half hours to get them all filmed, I even had a video aswell, but Marcus helped me with alot of the talking, he helped me set up my own channel the night before.

It was only half hour before Louis had to leave for LA, we all drove down with him and i was in tears, Marcus was holding me the whole time, just as he had to board his plane, he came and gave everyone hugs, he gave me a extra long hug because i was crying so much, he gave me some paper with his skype on it, so i could skype him, I already had all of there numbers, he boarded the plane and we watched it take off, we all waved and left to go home. I thought it would probably be a good idea to tell my parents that i had moved out, i called them on the way home from the airport.

'Hello Charlotte!'

'Hey mum, I have some news'

'Oh yeah, what is it?'

'Ive moved out...i hope thats okay'

'Thats fine hunny! aslong as you visit when we come back!'

'I will do! bye!'

'Bye hunny'

I hung up and put my phone away, 'well they dont mind that ive moved out!' i told Marcus, 'thats good!' 

when we got back it was half 5 and we all started editing our videos, i knew how to edit because my dad taught me, after 6 hours straight of editing it was finally done, Marcus finished editing his just after i did, and we decided to sleep, we turned off our laptops, got changed and got into bed, Marcus put his arms round my waist from behind and we fell asleep.

If i had the energy id write more chapters, but its 3 in the morning and i really need sleep! night beautiful people of wattpad! x

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