I love you

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Marcus was coming, with Jack, I was excited but i didnt know how to react, Jack has feelings for me but I love Marcus, if i run and hug Marcus, Jack might feel awkward but I cant just hug Jack first because im engaged to Marcus, urgh life is so hard, I didnt have long to think though, I saw Marcus running towards Alfie on the steps, Jack saw me straight away and just ran straight at me, I stood up and started to run towards him, he jumped on me and i fell backwards, I started to giggle, 'Hey Jack' I said hugging him while he rolled off me, 'Hey Char, just to let you know, i still have feelings for you but i wont do anything like that again, i promise, best friend cuddles only!' he said and i hugged him tighter, i stood up to see Marcus staring at us, i got up and ran towards him, and he started to walk away, i could see Alfie starting to convince him to stay, and i could faintly hear Marcus say 'She obviously wants Jack, not me'. 'No, she wants you! She's been crying so bad because she messed up, she blamed herself, she loves you!'Alfie shouted, Marcus just turned around and started to go towards his car, 'Marcus stop!' I shouted, 'No, you want Jack.' he replied, 'Marcus. I LOVE YOU!' with that he drove off, Alfie came up behind me and touched my shoulder, and i ran, Alfie started to chase after me but i was incredibly fast and was soon out of his sight, I wasn't going back to that house, not for now anyway.


Marcus left and she just ran off, i tried to chase her but shes very fast, i went down and told Zoe, Jack and Finn, they  all started to cry slightly, and so did i, after a few hours we went back to the house, Jack and Finn ran straight up stairs and me and Zoe found Marcus on the couch, 'Marcus?' I said to him, he quickly looked up, 'Charlotte!?' he said hoping she was here, but saw me and Zoe instead, 'oh my god im so sorry i left, where is she?' he asked. 'I dont know.' , 'what do you mean you dont know?' , 'After you left she ran off and we have no idea where she has gone. we need to find her, we'll get everyone and we'll go okay?' 'okay' we went out and started to go all round town, shouting her name with no replies, this was London, she could be anywhere.


I was sat on a bench under a shelter not very far from the beach, when i started to hear people shouting my name, i hid in the bush next to the shelter thing and watched as Marcus walked past shouting my name, when he collapsed, just crying, i called an ambulance for him and they took him away, everyone was told and they all went to see him, i guess so anyway, i didnt go, i stayed in the same place.

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