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Chill out so I had to re edit this because the last update wasn't the version I wanted to originally publish🙄 wattpad fucking up.

"Mom, where you going all dressed up like that?" Kazin, my 8 year old son, asked curiously. He folded his arms and tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for my answer.

I glanced at his reflection in the mirror. "Well, if you must know, I'm going on a date."

Looking down, I smiled as I put on my diamond stud earrings thinking about my date, Justin. I met him at one of the underground art museums in Chicago. He seemed like a totally interesting guy and he was so down to earth. I ended up hanging out with him the whole day and one thing lead to another and he asked me on a date. Which, I gladly accepted.

An audible knock was made followed by a very familiar subtle voice.

Kazin, sprinted his way down the steps to torment my date.

I walked halfway down the stairs and peeked over the railing to watch, as Kaze opened the door to meet Justin.

"Hey buddy, you must be K-" Kazin held up his hand. "No need for small talk."

I covered my mouth hiding a giggle. Justin was clearly taken aback by Kazin's aggression.

Kazin motioned towards himself using his index finger. Justin, playing along squatted down, trying to hold back a smile.

"Listen here buddy." Kazin pushed his thick glasses up his face and mean mugged Justin. "If you hurt my mommy, I will pound you!" He balled his left hand into a fist punching it into the right.

Justin held his hands up in surrender and pretended to be scared. "I-I promise I won't hurt your mommy she's to precious and beautiful for that."

"Pinky promise?" Kaze held up his pinkie.

"Pinkie promise." The two interlocked pinkies and exchanged smiles.

I smiled walking down the steps to Justin.

"Okay Kaze you can stop terrorizing my date."

I need a name for the main character in my next imagine :) give me suggestions guys. I really don't like writing 'y/n' as much because i always read it as " Justin kissed your name" instead of "Justin kissed Amber" 🙄🙄

Justin Bieber Interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now