Fat Shame 2

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"A big girl isn't meant for Justin Drew Bieber."

That sentence ran through Justin's head all night. A storm of guilt washed over him as he laid thinking about her. He didn't realize how his actions truly did effect her. He had to think of a way to make this up to her. He had to but he didn't know how. Just as he was about to drift asleep he thought of the perfect plan. He was going to serenade her.


Justin watched as she walked into school. He couldn't wait till his plan could finally unfold and hopefully make up what he did wrong. Justin walked into there schools Networking room and sat on the stool along a back drop with a guitar in his hand.

"You go on in 5 so be ready." One of the camera geeks directed. Justin rolled his eyes. This will be the one and only time he lets a geek boss him around.


Jasmine sat in the back of her Calculus class and kinda watched the School News be projected onto the smart board. It was always about a bunch of sports and nothing she was really interested in so she never paid that much attention.

"And next we have a special announcement from Justin Bieber."

Justin Bieber? Jasmine's attention was fully on the announcements now.

"I would like to say sorry to a very special girl in my life... I know I've haven't done the greatest things but I'm only human and I would hope she'll  forgive me. I would like to sing a song I wrote to Jasmine Valentine."

Everyone in the class looked back at her but she couldn't have cared at this very moment. She wanted to here the song.

You gotta go and get
Angry at all of my honesty
You know I try but I don't do too well with apologies
I hope I don't run out of time, could someone call the referee?
Cause I just need one more shot at forgiveness

I know you know that I
Made those mistakes maybe once or twice
And by once or twice I Mean
Maybe a couple a hundred times
So let me oh let me
Redeem oh redeem oh myself tonight
Cause I just need one more shot at second chances

Is it too late now to say sorry?
Cause I'm missing more than just your body
Is it too late now to say sorry?
Yeah I know that I let you down
Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?
I'm sorry yeah
Sorry yeah
Yeah I know that I let you down
Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?

A smile crept on Jasmine's face as he finished the song. She couldn't believe he went through all that trouble to make him a song and publicly sing it in front of the student body. She couldn't wait to see him next period.

"So what did you think of my song?" Justin asked while sitting next to her.

"It was absolutely amazing. Nobody has ever done anything like that for me before. Thank you." She grinned.

"You shouldn't be thanking me you deserved it for everything you know? Do you forgive me now?"

"Yes, Justin I do."


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