RING! The bell rang, scaring you awake from your nap, The girl next to you smiled very sweetly, "Mal! class is over, get up silly" she skipped out into the hall. You smiled and looked up to see the teacher looking at you with a smirk "Hey mal...... you aren't doing very well in this class you should stop by and i'll help you study" " Oh no thank you sir I'm studying with wosmienelcn the name went to gibberish when you tried saying it. His voice distorted into a devilish sound and the floor dropped down looking hundred of feet down, the only desk left floating was yours, the teacher's head grew ten times the original size and faded from light tan to a bloody red color, he started floating and his head tipped back revealing a banshee scream. His body exploded, splattering his guts and internal organs over you as you just sat there in shock, you tried moving but your body froze. your eyes move around looking for someone to help as you sit there unable to move. the teacher or demon,you don't know what it is, sat back up straight as if his guts didn't just fly everywhere. you look down again to see the hole. A purplish-dark blue hole falling slowly to dark, full of twisty turns and wavy waves, spirals falling into a distorted fade. shortly your chair collapsed, you slowly fell down the hole. just falling- as you fell you saw weird images that seemed almost cursed. you start to see black.... complete darkness. you soon felt lost, scared, most importantly, alone. you fall to an elongated hallway with an unimaginable amount of doors. This hallway was white, it was so bright you thought you were in an insane asylum pad room. you walk down the hall ignoring the doors till you look farther ahead. one of the doors is red; you run to the door and look at the top of it where the sign lays. ''12, April 7th" listed as the date, you slowly open the door, seeing yourself. you see yourself at home on the computer, pissed at yourself, wishing you felt better, really depressed. hoping you could make your momma proud. you and your friend are in a meeting and you see yourself typing "ready?" she responded with " just do it dummy" you got to your messages with someone and said "hey..... remember how i felt about amlwhdoq" the name seems distorted.." every voice you've heard or saw was distorted as if you were meant to remember these events you" thought to yourself the person you talked too on the computer was typing back- you were frightened on the response knowing who he was but you had to say it, your friend wouldn't let you talk in the group chat till you said it. he responded " yea why?" you started to feel super dizzy knowing she could see if you told him or not. you said to yourself "just do it, the worst thing he could do is say no '' you told him how you felt and agreed to give you a chance. smiling.. you felt your chest start to relieve so much stress knowing hiding this secret was messing with you. you and the friend celebrated knowing she was proud of you. the door you entered slammed shut making you turn around in fright. the light disappeared and saw your past self start fading away in hexagons like pixels in a game. you see a light flash from the ground where your past self faded and walked to it. the light turned into another hole and you fell face first into a room. in this room it was your 13 year old self. you went to this doc you and a friend would give each other writing and girl ideas. you avoided the doc for a couple days cause you worried about too much stuff right now. between your boyfriend's school grades, friends, and school you didn't have time for anyone. you open the doc one day to see a whole paragraph. " We cannot be friends anymore, i know i told you i was ok with you being with lwdhoqb but I lied. I wasn't ok with it. never was. you used to hate him just because he was with me now you're dating him? I can. and you put everything before your religion. I can't be friends with someone who believes in sex before wed." you got so mad knowing so much crap she did to lwdhoqb it just made you wanna slap her. On top of that EVERYONE thought you were scared of her, she thought she had dominance or she was better than you- either way you wanted to slap her but you knew violence is against god so you said something decent in response. The image of your 13 year old self faded too, leaving you in the continuous fall again, alone, lonely, scared. you felt your body shake as you woke up. " GOD DAMN IT" you screamed waking up from the dream in the hospital. the nurses looked at you in shock " hey sweetheart, are you alright?..." one nurse asked while changing your IV. "Yes thank you, it was just a nightmare-" you exclaimed in cold sweat, the nurses left the room leaving you alone again. rolling up in a ball you teared up, you started soon mumbling to yourself.. "I wish I could do better for them all."