15. Gender Reveal

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Madisons POV at 18 years old:

Today is my gender reveal and I'm so excited!

I'm dresses in a blue and pink confetti dress with white sneakers.

Kendel did my hair in two pigtails with bows.

When it was almost time to pop the cannons, we did a what do you think the gender is?

Henrys mom Jen: Boy  

Boy: 7

Henrys sister: Girl

Girl: 7

My Brother PJ: Girl

My sister Jane: Boy

My parents: Girl

His parents: Boy

My grandma and grandpa: Girl

His grandparents: Boy

Me Madison: Girl

My boyfriend Henry: Boy

So the votes are even, 7 on each.

When we were ready to pop the cannons the countdown was so long.




I shut my eyes not wanting to know, I heard gasps and cheering I didn't want to open my eyes.

Uut I did feel the powder on me, when I finally open my eyes I saw pink powder.

My face was still, shocked.

I don't know how to explain the feeling.

Henry watched my face while it went on.

He  hugged me and didn't let go.

I started crying of happiness, I hugged Kendel and a all of our family.

I kissed Henry for  a long minute.

"It's a girl!" I screamed.

When the party was over I found an extra popper so I just decided to pop it and it was pink.

Getting the same feeling like I did I knew that I was excited to have a girl but I was also scared I didn't know what motherhood was like and I don't know what it was going to be.

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