21. Very Nice

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Madisons POV at 18 years old:

The little baby stretches are the best.

Her little legs!

I freak out every time she does that, we took he there yesterday.

Shes 2 weeks old.

"Baby" I called out hoping Henry would co?

He went through the door with diapers already in his hands.

"Got it" he says giving me one and putting the rest in storage.

I changed Blakely then gave her a freshly warm bottle, I usually breastfeed her but she prefers the bottle and it's easier on me.

"Hey" Kendel said in a baby voice talking to Blakely and picking her up.

"Can I please set her down for her nap?" Kendel asks holding her.

"Yes, but if she starts crying the paci is in the left drawer, her extra bottles are n her basket with bibs and blankets" i say getting up.

"I live here?" She says scoffing and laughing.

When I went to the kitchen I noticed it was my mom's birthday today.

She was 34 today, she had me at 15.

It was so hard for her.

It was also Henry's idea to get my nails done, so i got white and pearl nails.

Me and my mom were supposed to go shopping but I'm doing that with Henry's mom.

After she picked me up, we went to a dress shop.

"This is so cute!" I say taking about a long sleeve ruffly white dress.

"I'll pay" she smiles.

"For what?" I ask admiring it in the mirror.

"Just take it"

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