18. Thanksgiving

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Madisons POV at 18 years old: 27 weeks

Thanksgiving is my 2nd favorite holiday of the year!

The food mostly.

We are gonna go to Henry's parents house since his parents are home.

Since I was gonna eat like, a lot.

I'm wearing some black leggings and a green shirt.

It shows off my bump thats why.

And I French braided my hair.

That took about 10 minutes each side.

"You ready?" He says kissing my cheek.

"Yep" I say smiling.

"Let's go" he says walking out of the door.

I was awfully quiet still disappointed about my father.

I knocked on the door nervously and was biting the inside of my cheek.

When his mom opens the door she immediately hugs me.

"Hi baby" she says kissing my cheek and hugging Henry.

"Happy thanksgiving" Henry's brothers say.

I smiled at them feeling over heated.

Jen comes up to me and feels my belly and hugging me too.

"Okay, Jen. That's enough she doesn't want you all on her. Especially when she's pregnant" she whispered.

I sat down at the table and looked at my phone seeing Kendel go out to a party.

I wish I would've gone.

But I love hanging out with his family.

I put my phone down and got up to use the bathroom.

When I did everybody stared at me, but Hnery followed me.

He knew I wasn't using the bathroom.

I was in the bathroom but all I wanted to do was go to a break room and smash everything.

Henry entered the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

He went up to me and picked me up with my legs wrapped around his waist.

It was minutes before we stopped.

"Just know that I love you" he says putting me down kissing my lips.

I kissed him back.

"Okay let's eat becuase, this baby is hungry." I smiled looking down.

"She's getting big" I say.

"Yeah remember last week at that doctors appointment when she had said that the baby was the size of a baby pumpkin." He chuckles feeling my stomach.

When we ate, I was about to explode.

That was so good.

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