Tell Me Something

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"You have a lovely voice." Louis said which snapped Harry out of his 'zone.' Harry looked down at his hands with a slight blush and muttered a 'thank you' before he opened his phone to try and get out of the thick silence. "So, Harry, tell me something about you." Louis asked. Louis looked at Harry's curls while he was thinking.

"I like to watch TV but I don't get to very much." Harry said as Louis watched the way his mouth formed to make words. Louis wanted to do one thing right now, he wanted to kiss Harry. He let the thought slip away knowing that Harry probably didn't like him.

"Tell me something about you?" Harry said as a question. He was nervous, especially around Louis. Louis made him nervous but also loved at the same time. He looked at Louis as the shorter boy looked around the room as if it would be written somewhere. Harry's heartbeat slightly speed up as Louis bite his lip.

"I like football and music." He said with a smile. Harry thought everything about Louis was perfect. Harry looked at Louis and Louis looked at Harry. They both had the same feelings for eachother but were both convinced the other one wouldn't feel the same.

"So Harry, where are you from? Like did you move here or did you just change schools?" Louis asked trying to make conversation. Harry let out a slight cough remembering his awful school. "I moved schools. The other one was a bit too much for me. Everyone was so rude. I came here looking for a change but have yet to see anything but the same rude people." Harry said, Louis shocked in the anger in Harry's voice.

"Oh. I'm not rude am I? Sorry if I feel pushy or I'm getting too clingy or something it's just, I really want to be your friend." Louis said as he embarrassedly looked to the floor. Harry placed his fragile hand on Louis leg before saying, "You're anything but rude. And, I think we'd be great friends." Louis smiled and looked up to Harry's face which showed a slight smile. Louis wanted that smile to be there forever.

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