Chapter 5 - Course of events

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The next morning, the shrill alarm on my mobile phone woke me up

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The next morning, the shrill alarm on my mobile phone woke me up. I sighed as I switched it off and struggled out of bed. It was only seven and the cool morning sun was making its way through the blackouts. I had sat at my laptop until almost twelve yesterday, writing down everything I could find out about the three of them in profiles and this is what I had come up with:

Alex Madlock
17 years old, born 18 November 2005

- Cathrin and Spencer Madlock (parents)

Murder : 7 stab wounds to the chest

- serious
- responsible

Shireen Verton
17 years old, born 13 March 2006

- Susan and Bradley Verton (parents)
- Joanne Verton (little sister)

Murder: Shot in the head

- Shy
- Positive

Mason Hoover
17 years old, born 14 December 2005

- Mary Clark and Paul Hoover (parents)
- Frank and Elizabeth Clark (grandparents)

Murder: Benzodiazepines in combination with alcohol

- Calm/quiet

- the three had attended the same primary school, so had known each other since they were six years old.

I had also searched for photos from earlier times, but couldn't find any. It seemed as if all the photos of the three were gone. Only the three that the police had used in their investigations and the newspapers had used for their reports appeared on my screen.

I made myself a coffee and looked thoughtfully at their faces. Who had they been? What were their dreams, their fears? I didn't seem to know anything about them. That had to change.

I organised my notes and went shopping for some sweets and water. After looking around the neighbourhood a bit, it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon and I went back to the flat. It was now thirteen pm in London, a good time to call.

"Joycelyn?" My father's voice croaked on the other end of the line. "Did you arrive safely?"

"Yes, everything's great," I replied and put my mobile phone on the table. I didn't even need the speaker function, he spoke loudly enough. "Listen, I have a request."


"Frank Clark, Mason Clark's grandfather, lives in your boarding house. If I'm not mistaken, you've often played chess with him. Would you mind finding out a bit about his grandson and his two friends, Shireen and Alex?"

Silence. "Fine," he grumbled. "Then you'll bring me at least three bars of chocolate when you visit me again."

"I promise!" I smiled with relief. "Thank you, Pa."

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