Episode Two: A Shaky Start - Chapter 6

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Fox lay on his bunk that afternoon. He was worried about Runningbear. They had known each other their whole lives. They had a strange on and off again relationship. They'd been good friends as kids, but by junior high that had soured. Runningbear's family included more than it's share of alcoholics and substance abusers. By the time of their first real fight, Fox's dad had had run ins with about half of Runningbear's extended family. Most people on the reservation figured Dad had been as fair as he could be with Lily Prancingdeer, but there were those that blamed him for what happened.

After they fought, Fox had cleaned up his act. He joined the navy after high school, intent of becoming a Master of Arms and eventually returning home to follow in his father's footsteps. Runningbear had joined the navy a couple years later, as part of a plea bargain on a drunk driving conviction.

When Runningbear was assigned to Fox's ship, the Cambridge, the two had made their peace. The new, adult, sober Runningbear was a hard worker and a good sailor. For awhile Fox counted him as a friend again.

Things had changed a couple of months ago. Or maybe it had changed long before that and Fox only noticed a couple of months ago. Runningbear had never been the most outgoing or friendly sort, but he'd turn downright surly. There were other, more ominous signs. The first moment that Fox could pinpoint was a breakfast on the Cambridge. Runningbear was flushed, his pupils wide. He was complaining about something, something far too petty for the reaction he was having.

Fox's father was a cop and Fox a master of arms. Suspicion ran in the blood. He made some enquires, quietly, and discovered Runningbear's immediate superior had noticed a change as well. His work had become sloppy. At times he seemed out of it.

Fox was torn. He didn't want to go to the captain without proof. Any accusation could have devastating effects on the man's military career. Then he'd over heard a conversation between Runningbear and fellow sailor. He had heard only a snatch of "yeah, I might have some left..." but it was enough for probable cause.

Runningbear worked munitions. When the alarm had sounded, Fox had been off duty. He should have headed down below but he took the opportunity to go to the crew quarters instead and confirm his suspicion. A small bottle of pills in Runningbear's trunk with someone else's name on them.

He should have gone to his chief of security, or to the captain. However friendship, or at least history, demanded that he confront his former friend and tribe brother first, give him a chance to explain. A chance to go voluntarily into drug treatment, keep it off the record.

The pill bottle had been in his right hand when the munitions locker had exploded.

"You are a million miles away," Clower commented from his bunk.

Fox shrugged. "Yeah," he agreed. Without the pill bottle he had no proof. In the current situation, was there any point in pursuing this?

He sighed and rose. Maybe he should confront his friend. Or maybe I should just leave it.

Fox left his room and stood in the hallway. He wasn't sure where to head, but his stump was starting to itch and maybe he should check in with the healers. It beat brooding in his bunk about things beyond his control.

He found, to his surprise, Captain Lannister coming down the hall. He paused and tried to salute, again. Lannister grinned and gripped his shoulder. "It's okay. Gonna take some time to get used, isn't it?"

"Yes, sir," Fox said.

"Does it hurt?" Lannister asked.

"No, sir," Fox said. "Well, it's starting to itch now. I was going to see the healers."

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