Episode Four: Spies, ch. 1

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Cheyenne stood on the deck of the Cambridge. In front of her was the override for the main anti-missile system. Her hands shook as she reached for it. This act would save millions, but it would kill her. She closed her eyes. It would be so easy to not do it. A technical malfunction. No one would know and she'd go on living.

She pulled the switch. The noise was deafening and then silence. She stared into the blue sky.

White light pierced her eyes as Cheyenne's head broke the surface of the tank and she woke. She kicked to send herself down, under the pink goo. Her heart hammered in her chest. It was only a dream.

How many times would she have that dream? Would it always be like this? She was starting to have a better understanding what her ex had gone through with his PTSD. Maybe she was even feeling a bit more sympathy for him.

Lights were on in the medibay and through the pink goo she could see Janda and Lana moving around. Must be morning.

She swam towards the side of the tank to check the time and decide if she should get up for the day. Next to the clock they had posted two pictures, her kids. She saw them and smiled.

Her heart hardened against her ex. She didn't care how hard recovery was, she had something to fight for, her kids. If he couldn't see that, if he didn't want to fight to be in their life, then screw him.

She rose towards the surface again. "Lana?"

"Good morning, your life signs are up. Are you okay?"

"Just a dream," she said. "The attack."

"Hmm, that's to be expected. In time, it will fade. You can sleep more if you are still tired."

"No, I am ready to get up whenever," she said.

"Good," Lana said. "Now that we've had you out of the tank, I want to make it a daily exercise. Short periods at first, then longer."

Cheyenne nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that, too."


The Corelean's main conference chamber was a long rectangular room. It was lined on both sides with wide stools that, like most of the chairs they had seen so far, had no backs. The couches Dan had seen elsewhere, on the other hand were often lower and deeper than the Earthsiders were used to. It appeared that the Consortium people either sat upright, with one or both legs crossed beneath them, on stools without backs, or they lounged, sprawled out. But you did not lounge during one of Captain Dowling's conferences.

The center of the conference chamber was empty. The Consortium had not dealt in paper memos for more eons than the Earth had been inhabited. Instead the center was used for holographic displays, when appropriate.

The conference room was meant for the Corelean's officers. This meeting of both crews made for a tight fit. Dan found his seat and took it. He had been appointed temporarily as Acting Chief Petty Officer in Cheyenne's place. The missile command he commanded no longer existed and he wasn't totally sure what he was supposed to do, other than represent his men. Then again, looking around the room he realized a lot of the petty officers must feel the same way. On board the Cambridge they had clearly delineated roles and responsibilities. Now they were at loose ends.

Captain Dowlings and Captain Lannister entered together from the front of the conference room after everyone else was seated. Captain Dowlings was in a tight fitting blue uniform, her hair up in a bun. Captain Lannister had adopted a similar blue outfit, without the rank markings.

Captain Dowlings took the seat at the front. To her right sat another woman with lush black hair piled high on her head. Around her neck was a pair of goggles similar to the ones that Cheyenne had been fitted with. She glimmered slightly, and Dan realized she was only here as a holo-projection. To the right, past the woman was the rest of Dowling's crew. Kavinda, the chief healer was next to the woman. Several more people Dan didn't recognize ran down the conference room opposite him. About midway was Bakala, the quartermaster. He gave Dan a congenial smile and nod.

The Girl in the Tank: Galactic Consortium, Season 1Where stories live. Discover now