Episode Eight: Escape to Shin ch.10

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Cheyenne woke in Lana's arms after a long nap. She slid herself out of the bed, leaving Lana to sleep and dressed quickly. Out in the main room she put in a courtesy message to Capal Turik. To her surprise, he responded promptly. He was delighted when she asked if the invite was still open. He assured her that getting a medical tank installed was no problem and they made arrangements to start her visit the next day.

There was a sound at the door. It was Janda, returning from his afternoon date. As if Mackenzie weren't confused enough about Cheyenne and Lana's affection, Janda had taken up with a young Gallatura, a male bodied person who lived as a woman.

Before the door could even shut behind Janda, James was barreling through with Mackenzie hard on his heels. "We would have been home sooner but..." Mackenzie began.

"But there's a new guy in 10-52," James said, excited. "We saw him on the court while we were walking. He's an explorer. He was on one of those new planets they discovered. He fell down a ravine, and his leg got wedged and, and, they had to take it off all the way. He's got metal from here down." James showed on his leg.

"Maybe you'll be a healer some day," Janda said with a laugh. "As curious as you are."

"Huh uh," James contradicted. "I'm going to be a deep space walker. I'm gonna see whole new worlds where no one's ever been and everything."

Lana came in, pulling her hair up as she went. "I think I'm going to like this make up..." Lana broke off as she realized the kids were there. She blushed. Janda gave her an arched look.

Cheyenne just smiled and gave her a kiss, heedless of Mackenzie's stare.

When they broke off Lana asked, "So what shall we do for supper?"

"I've messaged Neepati," Cheyenne said. "To send up some of that rice dish that we all like." To Mackenzie she said, "how was school?"

Mackenzie shrugged. "Okay, I guess."

Cheyenne brushed her hair. "We are going somewhere. Just for a week or two. Just to see if we like it better." Hope flared in Mackenzie's eyes and Cheyenne knew she was hoping "home" would be the next word. "It's called Jinta. It's supposed to have some of the best schools anywhere. I'll tell you all I know over supper."

Mackenzie nodded, hope dying back. She glanced at Lana. "We're all going?"

"Yes, all of us. Honey, Lana is going to be staying with us..."

"Until you're healed."

"As long as I can convince her to stay."

Lana smirked.

"But mom," Mackenzie almost whispered the last, as though Cheyenne didn't know. "She's a..."

"Girl. I know," Cheyenne said. "She's my girl. When you are older, maybe you'll understand. For now all you need to know is that you are my daughter and you will always come first in my life. But Lana is going to be there, too."

"And you, too, Janda?" James asked excited. "You can bring Chandraya if you want. I like her."

Janda laughed. The doorbell rang and he went to answer. "That's a great offer, James. But actually..." he paused long enough to accept the packages offered and give the delivery person a small tip. "Once we get settled for good I might get my own place. Nothing personal. I love you all and will gladly be both part of the case and your uncle or however you want to say it. But a little space once in awhile wouldn't be terrible either."


Dan had barely settled into his desk for the day, his ancient computer still booting up, when Officer Gladhands hailed him and asked him to come to his office. Senior Petty Officer Larson, he corrected. I shouldn't get into the habit of using that nickname, even to myself. It might slip out someday.

"Sir?" he said as he presented himself.

Officer Larson was not alone in his office. Officer Shadur was one of the highest ranking men on the base, the other officer with him had unfamiliar rank markings on his uniform. It took Dan a second to recall their meaning, joint chiefs of staff. The third man was civilian, dressed in a dark suit.

Dan saluted his CO and took the offered seat.

"Dang it, Oleson," Larson said in a cheerful voice, banging on his desk for emphasis. "I just got my first real honest to god hero in my unit and they want to take you away already."

Dan made his face a mask. He wanted to laugh. He wanted to run outside and dance. Lannister already came through! But he didn't want to show Officer Gladhands or these men just how happy he was, unsure how they would react.

"It would be a diplomatic posting, not really your background," the man from Joint command said. "But it would involve significant interfacing with the consortium, and Lannister's report of your performance on the Corelean makes us think you are the right man for the job." A manilla envelope was being slid across the desk as the man spoke.

Dan picked it up, failing to hide his elation completely. A desk job, surely, but on Shoshone station with Lannister and Fox. He slid the papers out, his eyes scanning the words. The letter S in bold, his mind racing and then he froze.


"We will be opening a permanent embassy with the consortium within a week. Our office will be on Saras Station, of course. Ephram Blumenthal will be heading up the team. We've been haggling back and forth about his security escort. He insists the physical dangers are nothing compared to the possibility of cultural..."

"Misunderstandings?" Dan finished.

"Yes. He wants a security chief who won't over react, has some prior knowledge of their culture and ways of doing things. Your name came up more than once. We've taken the liberty of creating a short list for your team. We left a couple of open slots, in case there are men from your old crew you want on your team."

Dan nodded as he read through the orders again. "Yes, sir, I'm honored sir."

They talked awhile longer. Dan would have the rest of the day off, to get his things in order. He'd meet with Blumenthal tomorrow, in Washington, D. C. After that he'd had another couple days to make his team selection.

As they rose and left the building the diplomat asked if he knew anything about Saras Station. "We can send some briefing information."

"Someone told me about it," Dan said. "While we were on the Corelean." It was a half truth, but his relationship with Bakala was none of their business. He could almost hear Bakala's voice, as he planned their first outing once relations had settled between America and the consortium, when they could travel freely. "Saras is the gem of their fleet," he said. "A beautiful dome filled with museums, art galleries, spas..." he paused and added for the diplomats benefit, "and the largest bureaucracy in this galaxy."

He strode off across Norfolk Naval Base, already trying to decide who, of his old crew, he should contact. Kleppie? He seemed pretty happy with his new life choices. Jensen? He was enjoying being near to his family. Madsen, maybe, a few of the others.

Domestic staff? Dan paused at the thought. Embassies generally hired locals to assist with the day to day service, and that might present a problem as well. Bakala had mentioned the other day that Aloka had not renewed her contract and went back to live on some ship with her extended family. She'd called, regretting the move. There was a whole other side to the political conflicts that he'd never even thought about. They'd come here to explore and to settle new worlds. Now that was being delayed by the situation here. Aloka was working day labor, waiting for some new system or station to open up, but who knew when that would happen.

Dan made a mental note to discuss that with Blumenthal. He would see if he could contact Aloka tonight, see if she would even be interested in a position. He'd ask Bakala who else of the old Corelean crew might want to jump ship for the embassy.

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