Episode Eight: Escape to Shin ch.1

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Career Minister Ephram Blumenthal was one cagey bastard, Jack thought. Like most career diplomats he had learned to play his cards close to his chest. It was a joy to see him work, but it was far less of a joy to be on the receiving end. You just never knew where you stood. He could praise you in a way that made you feel like you'd been cut to the bone or lambast your performance while you giving you the vague notion you'd done the right thing. Like right now.

"So, let me make sure I have this straight," he was saying. "You thought it would be a good idea to let Miss Walker take her kids and get on a space ship headed for Shin station, knowing full well there may be a pending custody case involving those kids. Someone want to explain why that seemed like a good idea?"

There was a nervous silence. Barry, standing next to Jack, coughed. The two were standing in the U.S. Consulate's new temporary office on Shoshone Station. Jack looked out the window behind Blumenthal and was treated to a breathe taking view of the eastern half of the United States sprawled out beneath him. "Umm, well, sir..." he began.

"Actually," Barry interrupted him. "It was like this, sir. I..." he withered under Blumenthal's stare and then recovered. "I took them up to the space port, because, well Jack there was the one who knew about the custody battle and I was the one that let them go. So you see, it was a simple misunderstanding."

"And, sir, as of right now, we don't know there's a custody battle," Jack put in, not wanting Barry to take the fall for everything.

"We don't?"

"No, sir. We only know there is a potential for one, that is, the ex said some things, but he's not filed any motions..."

"Well, you'd better hope that he doesn't. And even more, you better hope the press doesn't get wind that we let Cheyenne take her kids into Consortium jurisdiction knowing the ex intended to dispute the move."

"Yes, sir," Barry snapped.

"Yes sir, what?"

"Yes, sir, I am certainly hoping that."

Jack bit back a snort. Blumenthal just shook his head. "Remind me again why I don't just fire the pair of you?" he asked.

Jack gulped.

"Umm, you like us?" Barry offered.

"We'll fix this problem," Jack said. "Or turn it to our advantage."

"You'll fix this problem," Blumenthal replied, standing. He went over and stared out the window, down on the country they all served. "And I think you'll stay right here until you do so."

"What?" Barry and Jack said together.

Blumenthal shrugged. "We have a new Consulate office. Someone's got to manage it. You two get the job, and you get to keep an eye on the whole Walker situation, right?"

"Right, of course, sir." Jack responded, his heart skipping beats. Not only were they not being punished, they were being offered a huge promotion, managing a consulate office.

"Good, I need to head back Washington today. In a few days I'm heading to Saras Station with a few senior staff, to set up an office there. This office will be our go between. You two, flip a coin or whatever to see who stays and keeps the office open. Both of you need to make arrangements to move up here."

"Yes, sir," they said together.

Blumenthal started towards the door. Barry seemed elated. Jack was nervous, waiting for the hammer to drop. They could not have gotten off this lightly. Blumenthal was at the door when it finally dropped.

"Oh and by the way boys," he said. "We don't have visa or immigration policies ironed out yet. That means you'll have to review and approve each request individually. I'm sure you'll do fine."

The door shut behind him with a snap.

Jack swallowed. Review each case individually? Ugh.


When Cheyenne woke, her face felt tight and she had a headache. She grumbled and lifted her head from Lana's shoulder. "Oh, my head," she groused.

"The gel only works so long," Lana said. "The patches are not working, and beginning to peel."

"Will I be okay?" Cheyenne asked. There was a movement at her side. Mackenzie was awake and looking at Lana in alarm.

"Will she?" Mackenzie asked.

"Your life signs are good," Lana said. "And we are already starting to maneuver into the station. I have contacted the station and have a tank ready at a nearby facility. She will be fine."

Janda reappeared, talking animatedly to a young lady. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and waved her on as he found his seat. The steward was making his rounds again, helping people get strapped in. James woke groggily as they buckled him in. The ship maneuvered for another half hour or so before there was a muted thud of contact. Another five minutes passed while the seals were set and the ramp lowered.

They were off loaded in small groups. They headed down the ramp. At the bottom it did not open into anything but ended in a solitary, round room. There was a railing several feet from the wall of the room. At the bottom an attendant said, "now as I am sure most of you know, the ship is docked to the bottom of Shin station. If you could please all hold on to the railing."

Cheyenne grabbed the railing not sure what to expect. First, the floor dropped like an elevator. Then the entire room spun like a giant coin being flipped. There was a momentary vertigo as up became down and down became up. And then it was over and they were rising into the middle of a huge room. They left the circle and made for one side of the room. Cheyenne looked back and saw the circular plate drop again, to retrieve the next group of passengers.

A cart was parked halfway toward the entrance, loaded down with luggage. They retrieved their bags and Lana told the driver, "we need a personal transport to Fortisma court, 102."

He nodded. Moment later another small motorized cart appeared. The back end of it contained cushioned seats on either side. Lana assisted Cheyenne up into a seat. She was grateful. Her head was still spinning, from the arrival or something else. Her headache was worsening and she kept stumbling.

Mackenzie clung to her, fearful for her mother. Even James gave her a concerned look, though he seemed to accept Janda's reassurances.

The transport shot through a maze of passages and Cheyenne quickly lost track of where they were. They came out into a wide open court unlike anything that Cheyenne had seen so far. Row upon row of six foot walls had been erected. Sliding doors were set every so many feet. Through an open door Cheyenne glimpsed a bungalow with a small yard around it, residents lounging on the porch.

They stopped in front of one compound and Lana knocked at the gate. It slid open and they were led within. An open air kitchen and patio dominated the left side of the enclave. The right side contained a medi-tank. Behind it was a bungalow, little more than a single bedroom. Another even smaller bungalow was built up on stilts and James ran to climb the ladder and inspect the view.

Two healers were waiting for them inside. "Cheyenne Walker," the man said, "it is an honor to assist in your care. Your heroism proceeds you."

"And you Lana Finnakool," the woman added. "A healer of your caliber is always welcome."

Lana returned their deep bow. "Indeed, I could say the same for your reputation, Master Jormas. But let's attend to the patient first and exchange pleasantries after. She's been too long without a session."

"You may not wish to see this," Cheyenne warned Mackenzie. "But I will be okay now."

"I can take the kids to the nearest market and find them something to eat," Janda said. "If you wish."

"And we have screens," Master Jormas said, placing screens around the tank as Lana assisted Cheyenne to undress. 

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