just let me stay 2

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I'm scared. Scared of what the future holds for us.

Can we survive?

Will we survive?

But bigger question, do you even want to try?

Can you find the courage to kiss me, hold me, give me your heart when I cannot promise you I'll always love you?

I want to, trust me... If it was up to me, I would love you till the world collapsed, till my heart would break or would stop beating.

But its not up to me, something in the world chooses for us who we will love and carry for the rest of our loves. I hope it's you.

I really hope it's you.

I hope I can always love you and we can get kids, a house a beautiful wedding. But who knows... who knows if we may end together?

And knowing this...do you still wanna stay? When nothing can assure you that wé will stay?

I hope so. Because I can't imagine sharing my life with someone else. I want you, only you. So please let me have you, my whole life...

The only thing I want from you:

let me stay in love.

Poem of love❤️💔Where stories live. Discover now