Broken 1

23 3 0

You broke me
Like, literally broke me
You said you loved me, you said I meant the world to you
You told me you were afraid to lose me, that I was the best thing that ever happened to you
But yeah, I was too much

So sure, when you are done it's over right? Who cares what I feel? You can say bye en we will never talk again

I loved you, you meant the world to me
I was never afraid to lose you because of what you said, you were the best thing that ever happened to me.
But yeah, I was too much

You couldn't handle me,
You couldn't handle my text, my goodnights, my calls, my "I love you"'s.
You broke me
You literally broke me.

When I think about you, I cry
When I dream about you, I cry
When someone talks about you, I cry

So thank you, for being honest enough to tell me I am too much.
For you. For the world. For my boyfriend.
Thank you.
You meant the world too me.

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