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THE MOON HUNG LOW over the Outer Banks, casting a silvery light over the half-finished mansion perched on the dunes. John B stood on the edge of the balcony, beer in hand, the ocean breeze tugging at his shirt. He looked out at the dark horizon like he was daring it to challenge him.

"'If you don't apply yourself, you'll never get anywhere,'" he said, imitating the adults who seemed to love lecturing him. He scoffed and took a sip of his beer. "As if 'applying myself' is gonna fix my shitshow of a life."

Leaning against the wall behind him, Pope raised an eyebrow. "Statistically speaking, you've got about a twelve percent chance of survival if you fall. Slightly better odds than your future, I guess."

"Good to know you care," John B shot back, smirking.

Kiara popped her head through an empty window, her curls wild in the night air. "Can you guys not die tonight? Seriously, we've got bigger problems than scraping John B off the pavement."

"Relax, Kie," came a smooth voice. Avery Street sauntered onto the balcony, her bare feet silent on the unfinished wood. Her dark hair fell loose over her shoulders, and her bikini top shimmered faintly under the moonlight. Paired with low-waisted denim shorts that barely clung to her hips, she looked effortlessly gorgeous. She leaned against the railing and tilted her head, smirking at John B. "If he falls, we'll just tell the cops he tripped over his ego."

John B grinned. "Wow. Thanks, Ave. Always the moral support."

JJ appeared next, a power drill in hand, grinning like he'd just pulled off a heist. His eyes flicked to Avery, and he paused for just a second before flashing a crooked smile. "Don't worry, John B. If you fall, I'll at least make sure the beer survives."

Avery turned her head, looking JJ up and down with an exaggeratedly slow once-over. "I didn't realize you were such a hero, JJ."

"What can I say? I live to serve," JJ said, leaning against the railing next to her, a little closer than necessary.

"Right," Avery replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm sure it has nothing to do with impressing me."

JJ smirked, his gaze flicking to her exposed stomach for the briefest moment before returning to her face. "Would it work if it did?"

Before Avery could reply, a flashlight beam swept through the yard below.

"Showtime," Pope announced, straightening.

"Rent-a-cops are early tonight," John B muttered, already tossing his empty beer can over the railing.

Avery grabbed JJ's arm, tugging him toward the stairs. "Move it, hero. I'd hate for you to get arrested on my account."

JJ let her pull him along, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. "You'd bail me out, though, right?"

"Depends on how entertaining the mugshot is," Avery shot back, glancing over her shoulder with a wink.

The group burst out of the mansion and sprinted through the dunes, laughter and adrenaline propelling them forward. Avery was fast, her bare feet kicking up sand as she glanced over at JJ, who was keeping pace beside her.

"Bet you ten bucks Pope trips first!" she shouted, her voice carrying over the sound of crashing waves.

"Not happening!" Pope yelled back, narrowly avoiding a root.

"Bet you twenty I don't," JJ said, his breath even as he kept up with her.

Avery grinned, shooting him a sidelong glance. "That's cute. You think you can keep up."

"Keep up?" JJ countered, his grin widening. "I'm ahead."

He surged forward, but Avery grabbed the back of his shirt, yanking him off balance just enough for her to dart ahead of him.

"Cheater!" JJ called, laughing as he regained his footing.

Avery shot him a triumphant look as they reached the van. "All's fair in love and outrunning security."

JJ slid into the passenger seat as John B started the engine. Avery climbed into the back with Pope and Kiara, her legs draped across the seat as she leaned her head back, catching her breath.

"Let's go, John B" she yelled, pounding the back of John B's seat.

The Twinkie roared to life, speeding off as the rent-a-cops' golf cart sputtered to a halt behind them.

Later, the group sprawled across the deck of the HMS Pogue, their laughter carried on the warm summer breeze. The boat rocked gently, anchored in the calm water, and the moon hung high above them.

Avery sat on the bow, her legs stretched out in front of her and her bikini top glinting faintly in the moonlight. JJ sat nearby, his arm draped casually over the railing, watching her with a lazy grin.

"You're awfully quiet," Avery said, tilting her head toward him. "Cat got your tongue, Maybank?"

JJ smirked. "Just enjoying the view."

Avery raised an eyebrow, pretending to be unimpressed. "Oh, please. You're about as subtle as a hurricane."

"You like hurricanes," JJ shot back, his grin widening.

"Maybe," Avery said, leaning back on her elbows. "But only the ones worth the trouble."

Kiara, sitting cross-legged near the cooler, rolled her eyes. "Can you two stop flirting for five minutes? Some of us are trying to enjoy the peace and quiet."

"Peace and quiet?" Avery repeated, smirking as she leaned toward JJ. "Does she even know us?"

JJ chuckled, shaking his head. "Not a chance."

authors note

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