† Chapter 8: A Taste for Trouble

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Souto was in rare form the next morning. After his meltdown about school the day before, he woke up with renewed determination to prove he was the toughest, coolest, and, in his words, “most awesome kid in the whole world.” Shinso, on the other hand, was just trying to survive the morning without losing his mind.

At breakfast, Souto sat at the table, swinging his legs and chomping on a piece of toast like it had personally insulted him. Aizawa sipped his coffee, already bracing himself for whatever nonsense was about to come out of his youngest son’s mouth.

“I’ve been thinking,” Souto announced, spraying crumbs everywhere.

“That’s never a good sign,” Shinso muttered, earning a glare from Souto.

“I need to get stronger,” Souto continued, ignoring the jab. “Way stronger. Like... hero-level strong.”

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. “You’re eight.”

“So? You’re never too young to start!” Souto said, puffing out his chest. “I mean, look at me. I’ve already got super strength, sharp fangs, and super speed! I just need to train harder.”

Shinso snorted. “You need to train how to sit still first.”

“Ha ha,” Souto deadpanned, baring his fangs. “Laugh it up, Shinso. But when I’m out there saving the day and you’re stuck doing boring homework, we’ll see who’s laughing then.”

Aizawa set his coffee down and sighed. “And how exactly do you plan on training?”

Souto grinned, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “I’m glad you asked.”

Ten minutes later, Souto was outside in the backyard, wearing a makeshift cape made from an old towel. He had tied a red headband around his forehead and was holding a broomstick like it was some kind of weapon. Shinso stood nearby, arms crossed, watching the spectacle with a mixture of amusement and mild concern.

“Alright!” Souto shouted, pointing the broomstick at Shinso. “You’re the villain, and I’m the hero. Prepare to face my ultimate attack!”

Shinso blinked. “What ultimate attack?”

“This one!” Souto yelled, charging at him with the broomstick.

Shinso sidestepped easily, letting Souto stumble past him and trip over his own feet. He landed face-first in the grass, but immediately jumped back up, brushing himself off like nothing had happened.

“Okay, that was just a warm-up,” Souto said, narrowing his eyes. “This time, I’m serious.”

“Sure you are,” Shinso said, smirking.

Before Souto could launch another “attack,” Aizawa appeared in the doorway. “What’s going on out here?”

“Training,” Souto said proudly, striking a dramatic pose with the broomstick.

“Looks more like flailing,” Shinso quipped.

Aizawa sighed. “Souto, if you’re going to train, at least do it properly. No breaking anything, and no dragging Shinso into your schemes.”

Souto pouted. “But it’s no fun if I don’t have a villain to fight!”

Shinso smirked. “Guess that makes me the hero, then.”

Souto’s eyes narrowed. “You wish.”


Later that afternoon, Shinso decided to take Souto to the park to burn off some of his endless energy. The park was bustling with kids running around, parents chatting, and the occasional dog barking in the distance. Souto scanned the area like he was searching for his next opponent.

“Alright, what’s the plan?” Souto asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Are we sparring? Racing? Oh! What about climbing trees? I bet I can climb higher than you!”

Shinso rolled his eyes. “We’re here so you can calm down, not start a fight.”

Souto ignored him, already darting toward the jungle gym. He scrambled to the top in record time, grinning triumphantly. “See? I’m the king of the playground!”

A group of kids nearby overheard him and started giggling. One of them, a boy about Souto’s age, walked over with his hands on his hips.

“King of the playground? You’ve gotta earn that title,” the boy said, smirking. “What’s your quirk?”

Souto grinned, baring his fangs. “Vampire. I’ve got super strength, super speed, and these bad boys.” He pointed to his fangs, clearly proud of himself.

The boy raised an eyebrow. “Cool. But can you do this?”

The boy’s quirk activated, and his arms transformed into massive, rocky limbs. He smirked up at Souto, who blinked in surprise.

“Alright, rock boy,” Souto said, jumping down from the jungle gym. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Before Shinso could stop him, Souto launched himself at the boy, who met him head-on with a wide grin. The two clashed in a chaotic mix of flailing limbs, laughter, and light-hearted trash talk. Other kids gathered around to watch, cheering and egging them on.

Shinso sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Why am I not surprised?”

By the time they got home, Souto was covered in dirt and grass stains, but he was grinning from ear to ear. “Did you see me out there?” he asked, bouncing into the living room. “I totally won!”

“You tripped over your own feet and fell on your face,” Shinso said, kicking off his shoes. “But sure, let’s call that a win.”

Souto glared at him. “You’re just jealous.”

Aizawa looked up from his paperwork, taking in Souto’s disheveled appearance. “What happened?”

“Training,” Shinso said dryly.

“Again?” Aizawa sighed, rubbing his temples. “Souto, I told you to take it easy.”

“I did!” Souto said defensively. “I only fought one kid this time.”

Aizawa groaned. “We’ll talk about this later. Go clean up.”

Souto stuck out his tongue but obeyed, stomping off toward the bathroom. As the sound of running water filled the house, Shinso flopped onto the couch with a sigh.

“He’s exhausting,” Shinso muttered.

Aizawa smirked. “Welcome to fatherhood.”

Shinso shot him a look, as Aizawa took a sip of his coffee.



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